Here is the culprit! Before I was turbo I had all 4 fogs on my sunny bumper wired up. The outer fogs used the stock foglight wiring. But I wired in this relay to the front clearance markerlights (lights on the sides of the front bumper) so when I turn on the parking lights the inner fogs go on. I have not had the inner fogs on the car for about 2.5 years because when I went turbo the intercooler pipes were in the way of the inner fogs. However, the relay was still hooked up to the parking light circuit and the wiring was still there. I did not think to check into it because it is not hooked up to any lights anymore so I overlooked it. I guess the relay went bad over the years and shorted itself, it was a piece of junk relay from radio shack. Electrical problems are such a pain in the ass.