Best to buy a kit with a new filter and pan gasket (I assume you have a RL4R01A trans? check your id tag for correct trans number)
There is no order for the pan gasket, i usually leave 2 front bolts half done up when levering the pan off with a screwdriver, don't take them out as the pan will still have oil in it and it makes a hell of a mess when it hits the floor!!! Once it has drained you can take the last bolts out.
When doing the filter have a good look at the heads of the bolts you will notice one thats different, this boilt has an un captive nut on the top of the valve body. After you have removed this bolt throw it in the bin as you will never get it back in as the nut will have moved.
Replace the fitler, scrape the old gasket off, clean the pan and magnets (make sure you put the magnet back in) and refit the pan with the new gasket, i don't like using RTV around trans's so if you need something to hold the gasket in place use some petrolium jelly.
Take one of the trans hoses off the radiator and point it into a drain container, fill the trans with oil and get someone to start the car, oil will come out of the hose into the container assuming you have the right hose and your aim is good.
Run the motor until the colour changes from a dark red / brown to the new bright red, refit the hose and recheck and top up the level to the cold full mark.
Drive it and make sure its shifting right