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Thread: Are JDM highports picky?

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2010-10-13 16:06:48
Are JDM highports picky?
I've had two B13 SE-R's that had JDM highport swaps, and neither one of them can idle worth a damn. The first car couldn't idle when warm, was always moving around. The new car idles and runs great when it fully warms up. BUT, when it's cold it hesitates really bad, won't idle high like it's supposed to, and wants to die when I let off the gas to come to a stop.

Are the IACV's really crappy or what?
2010-10-13 16:33:28
You can put on your USDM IACV from a low port or high port too.

Did you connect the AUX Air valve?
2010-10-13 17:39:47
I bought the car with the swap already done, so no idea what has been done. I've looked everything over and I don't see anything missing or disconnected.
2010-10-13 17:48:21
Have you tried cleaning the MAF on them? Maybe reground them? Sounds like one of those things that are right in front of you but your too busy looking for other things, lol. Usually happens to me. Clean up all of the grounds and see if it helps. Maybe one of the nipples under the throttle body are open? Just throwing out some ideas.
2010-10-13 17:50:23
take your IACV off, clean it, put it back on and adjust the screw. Sometimes that will help your issue.

My most recent swap wouldnt idle for shit and i did this and adjusted the idle screw and now it idles excellent.

Im not saying this is your problem but you may want to try it. Good luck
2010-10-13 19:41:26
I regrounded the MAF on the '92 and it didn't really help any. I can try it on this one and see what happens I guess. I don't get off work until it's dark, so making a list of things to check on Saturday.
2010-10-13 20:21:13
Maybe they kept the JDM sensors IACV/AAC valves or CTS, IIRC, the JDM and USDM CTS are the same connection but different sensors.
2010-10-13 20:53:46
did you already check the vacuum lines? Same exact issue happened to me a while ago and that was the issue.

Hope it helps.
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