Fuel pump help?!?
As some of you may remember, I finished my DET swap into my s13 a few months ago. The car runs great and the motor pulls hard and is rock solid, I even just did my first track day with it. Problem is that the stock fuel pump went out about 3 months ago, not a big deal I knew it would and was prepared for it. I installed a walbro 255 model GSS341 per the website and all was well again. Fast forward to last Thursday, the pump failed and I needed my car ready for said event. My dad overnighted me another brand new walbro and all was well again. Car ran great all weekend and was a blast. Now today, 5 days later, the fuel pump died and won't even prime again. Anybody have any diognostic tips I should be looking for? What could have cause this? Any help would be amazing!