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Thread: another lifter and shim thread. broken shims galore!

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2010-08-23 23:39:17
another lifter and shim thread. broken shims galore!
Just put my head back on my bluebird and I didn't put the shims or the lifters back in the same spot. I also added 264 toda cams.

I keep breaking the guide shim on cylinders 2 and 4. This all happens when sitting at idle not even revving the engine.

Now if the head was untouched then it shouldn't matter where everything goes back right?

Obviously I'm not the only one with this question so maybe we can settle this once and for all?

Please I really need some input here the sentra is almost on the road.
2010-08-23 23:43:13
When I did mine I paid no attention to what went where lol. I've had no problems.
2010-08-23 23:44:44
Same problems lol. I just havent started my motor yet.
follow me----------------------->http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-sr20/35505-lifters-shims.html
2010-08-23 23:51:44
Originally Posted by PWRDbyUNCLEbens
Now if the head was untouched then it shouldn't matter where everything goes back right?

Most of the time the odds are the shims are all the same or close to... But that doesn't mean it always is like that. Measure your shims.
2010-08-24 01:11:09
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I know whats going on. I think that it matters where you put the guide shim. I was looking at the rocker arm, and I saw that there is obviously a place for the guide shim to ride, and the other side will not accomodate the guide shim thus breaking it like mine did.

If you look how the casting of the arm angles down sharply you can see how it would catch the guide shim, and break it.

This is the side of the arm that the guide shim SHOULD be on. You can see how the side of the shim could run along the side of the arm with no issues unlike the first picture.

I will have to find another guide shim because I am out, but I will try again tomorrow.
2010-08-24 01:22:54
Uh yeah. The grooved shim requires the rocker arm to be cleared on that side.
2010-08-24 01:39:41
Originally Posted by ashtonsser
Andreas is correct, here is what it looks like, it needs to be shaved down just a bit to accomidate the groved shim.

Looks like an interesting setup though that would be much better for high rpm

taken from another thread.
2010-08-24 03:54:22
guide shim always goes on the left foot of the rocker arm thats looking over the rocker with the lifter end pointing at you. The guide shim with no modifications will only slide over that one end.

I modified my rocker arms to accomidate two grooved shims on each side for added seating of the rocker to prevent it from detaching out of place unless revved rediculously high.

That is your problem.
2010-08-24 04:53:32
I mean no disrespect, but this thread makes me laugh. hee hee.
2010-08-24 05:55:43
Originally Posted by Coheed
I mean no disrespect, but this thread makes me laugh. hee hee.

It's my first time ever removing the head or replacing cams, so considering this is my only problem I think I did ok lol. Either way it's a good thread for the Dash archives. Atleast no one else will have to make this embarrassing thread.
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