Im stuck, i can use some advice
Im redoing some things on my wifes g20. I need to take the lower b pillar bolt out for the seatbelt. Is there a secret to Ive tried everything. Ive got all the plastic off on that side so i can get to everything fairly easy. Ive tried wrenches,sockets 3/8 and 1/2 inch drives, breaker bars and a healthy dose of pb blaster. Im stuck. I need this bolt off to fix a seatbelt issue on this car. Its a 94 g so its not the auto belt crap. I was wondering is there a better way? ie is there some kind of locking bolt mechanism or is it possiblly(doubtful) reverse threads? Any info on this is greatly appreciated. BTW i searched, thers just not a lot of info on this.