You don't have to apologize for anything. I realize you're not the one who said it, and I'm not going to shoot the messenger. I'm also not offended; educated if anything.
I find it hard to believe this is the way one of the engineers at Cosworth carries himself in public, when he must know he is speaking for the company. I thought Cosworth would have more class than this. I guess I was wrong.
Eric Hsu is one of the smartest guys I know, a friend, teamate and one of my few go to guys. If he offends you then simply don't read his personal blog, don't buy Cosworth or XS Engineering stuff. I probably offend you as well as I share most of his belifes and have the same sort of sence of humor. I actualy think he is more clever and witty than I am. Please don't read any of my tech writings. Call for a boycott on us. Filter us out on your settings.
If his blog sounds like ad copy and you can't glean any emperical information from it that does not offend your non commercial senceabilties then don't buy cosworth products. Get fine product from OBX and Megan Racing instead.
I would not want you to be offended. Neither of us has enough class for you.