Originally Posted by snj2245
when a part breaks (or you crash) just think of it as an opportunity for an upgrade
when a part breaks (or you crash) just think of it as an opportunity for an upgrade
indeed i am to with the headlights............
on a side not...ive benn talikng to a sales rep from VIS racing about a carbon fiber hood....
----- Original Message -----
From: [email]peter_garza@comcast.net[/email]
To: [email]customerservice@visracing.com[/email]
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: nx carbon fiber hood oem
"Ok. I'm not sure what you were saying because you said not a lot of people have this car, then you said a lot DO... But, not many people pick up parts for this car from us, so we do not have a lot of hoods in stock, but if you do gather some interest let me know, and I can work something out for you."
him saying this makes me think of a group buy....anyone down? he quoted me 500 for an oem nx c/f hood +125 for shipping(already giving me 100 off there msrp......and i want the price to get lower so more of us nx guys can enjoy a nice c/f hood.......how can/do we start a g/b?