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Thread: guess my new problem

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2010-04-18 21:58:27
So how bad would it be to drive it for a while my 1.6L is down for the week the exhaust cam jumped a tooth, I'm going to need to drive about 1000 miles this week with the car like this (all highway)
Ps. I played around with the clutch cable, added some spacers and got the pedal to grab in the middle but the noise is still there,
also when I'm rolling there is a rotational sound that is not rpm dependent I'm guessing that its a wheel bearing, but it does not get louder with speed
2010-04-18 23:56:25
well if its a tob or clutch problem it more than likly willl just get worse unlrdd fixed
2010-04-19 00:18:22
TOB. Try letting the clutch up really really easy and slow when the car is in neutral idling. Mine does this the noise is much lower or totally gone if you let the clutch up slow and smooth versus just letting it off .
2010-04-21 01:44:13
another vote for TOB. Maybe springs on the clutch disc? If the TOB is not pressing on the fingers correctly I would be it will cause uneven wearing on the disc or maybe worse.
2010-04-24 13:20:09
Now I'm way past the break in period well 3000+ miles to be exact, the noise from inside the transmission is gone, I tried easing the clutch pedal up and down for a while and that worked ( my guess is the lubricant in the tob broke in).
I still hear a rotational sound while the car is moving (even coasting in neutral) from the passenger side, is it possible to have the axle nut too tight and cause the bearing to bind?
I'm getting 25-27mpg highway now, which is better than I was getting with the old engine (besides the fact I'm going through a tank of gas a day, and a quart of oil in 3 days)
2010-04-24 13:44:14
well its good that the problem is semi gone do you feel like the axle nut might be on there too tight and someone elsse did the work right
2010-04-24 18:15:25
I actually loosened both nuts and retightened them but I'm not sure on the torque that is on them, I'm using a 3/4"babb and socket and my torque wrench is 1/2" and I'm having a hard tine finding a 1/2" to 3/4" adapter
I don't think its right at all because there is a good 1/8-1/4" space between the end of the axle nut and the cotter pin hole (besides the fact that the cotter pins keep disappearing)
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