Broke down 100 miles from home
Anybody ever have the alternator bracket set bolt break on them? I'm driving home from the meet and all of a sudden my battery/alt light comes on, and I'm at exit 11 on the NJTP. I'm like noooo! Well to make a long story short the bolt threads broke off in the alternator so no way to tighten the belt (which caused the bat/brake light). Well I was blessed to find a bolt in my trunk to rig this baby and get it just tight enough to drive. If this ever happens to you remember you can do this, it got me home
The bolt attaches through these
I used this, I just proped the alt up as far as I could and tightened the bolt beneath it holding it up just high enough to get enough tension.
Where did that bolt and nut come from and why was it in my trunk I'm a genius FTW!!!
The bolt attaches through these
I used this, I just proped the alt up as far as I could and tightened the bolt beneath it holding it up just high enough to get enough tension.
Where did that bolt and nut come from and why was it in my trunk I'm a genius FTW!!!