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Thread: Bouncy Speedometer

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2010-03-18 12:03:44
Bouncy Speedometer
Hey guys, I finally had a nice enough day out to figure out why my speedo wasn't working after my VE install. Installed it the best way could, now it's bouncy as hell - any tricks to the whole thing? I can't say I've EVER had an issue like this and I've changed 6 DE's.
2010-03-18 12:10:03
Originally Posted by canx2k
Hey guys, I finally had a nice enough day out to figure out why my speedo wasn't working after my VE install. Installed it the best way could, now it's bouncy as hell - any tricks to the whole thing? I can't say I've EVER had an issue like this and I've changed 6 DE's.

do you have a speedo cable?
2010-03-18 12:14:12
2010-03-18 12:20:51
I have the same issue with my ve car. I was told that the speedo cable caused it. it only happens below 15mph on my car. I have been meaning to check mine out but I am planning to use the vss and cluster from my 94 when I start my ve-t conversion.
2010-03-18 12:22:08
Step 1: Ditch Speedo cable

Step 2: Ditch said car in ditch

Step 3: Buy nice shiney 93 Nissan NX2K!

Step 4: Problem solved!
2010-03-18 12:57:26
Thanks for that useless bit of advice wiseass, dont make me bring the amber lamps.
2010-03-18 13:07:40
If I had to guess,I would say the cable is not turning smooth anymore.It will eventually break,so just get a new one...I bet it will solve your problem.
Otherwise,it would have to be the cluster.
2010-03-18 13:14:40
when I order a new cable, is it the whole sheathing etc or just the cable inside?
2010-03-18 14:19:05
I had this problem before in my classic. I believe its something to do with the end of the cable that connects to the speedo. I would pull it out of the trans again and play with it while someone is watching the speedo. My cable came out of the 'shielding' or whatever its called when I had my trans out. I usually twist the cable in the direction in which the speedo starts to move. Then I twist the opposite direction and try to keep it in the case so it stays connected to the cluster. Then connect it to the transmission side. I hope that makes sense, haha. I know how annoying it could be when cruising around town. I once had it reading 10mph faster than what I was really doing.
2010-03-18 14:57:24
finally some help - ok I'll try this method.

I really dont want to have to order a new one only to find I'm having the same problems
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