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Part it out man and get a new car. Perhaps you can find a 1.6 and swap all your parts over from your SE-R to the other shell? If the frame is messed up, like you said, it'll be a pain to try and fix. And even then it might not ever be 100% again.
For about double your $700 you could easily find a running 1.6 and then swap whatever's still good over, so it won't be as much of a waste for those new parts you just bought.
Food for thought: I know it's not that easy right now to just jump out and get another, but think about blowing that $700 plus anything else you find, not to mention labor (a shop's or your own blood, sweat, and tears, either way it won't be cheap), when what's most important right now is your studies. Another thing to consider: how safe is the car now should you get into another accident?
Then again, if it's salvageable for just those $700-800 bucks and you can make it safe (then fun) again, then keep it and do that. Think about it.