Originally Posted by Wayne Isn't there a mod for the low port? I heard something about it before.
To use a lowport cable on a highport engine? You can use the highport bracket and drill new mounting holes that sit the cable adjustment/mount further back. Thats what I did. It's nothing special, just a little brain power coupled with a drill
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Mutineer:"Would anyone else like to confuse freedom with treason?" Tom Servo:"I'd like to confuse bok choy with cabbage, sir."
I'll get some pictures later is the weekend for you. Cruise I didn't use, since my unit hasn't worked since I bought the car. I'm not sure if my mod will accommodate cruise, but given the challenge I'm sure I could fabricate something up.
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Mutineer:"Would anyone else like to confuse freedom with treason?" Tom Servo:"I'd like to confuse bok choy with cabbage, sir."
Originally Posted by coach I had a highport in my SE-L as well. It isn't bad if you compare the diagrams and look at what the sensors are doing. However, I don't have most of my emissions **** hooked up!
Brent did you throw any codes? I think like 3 or 4 sensors are not hook up. But the ones that were attached to all the vac lines that were on that "V" mani support bracket are hooked up and caped off. What did you do? BTW... I will be running a 95 G20 ECU.