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Thread: B13 SE-R no start (with video)

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2010-02-10 03:38:06
B13 SE-R no start (with video)
My '92 SE-R manual has had an intermittent no-start problem for over a year that seems to worsen in cold temperatures.

I twist the key to ON, and the fuel pump primes. Then when twisting the key to START, either silence or a crackling/groaning sound. You can hear the sound every time I twist the key to START. Starter trying to crank?

YouTube - '92 SE-R starting issue

What I've done to no effect:
  • New battery
  • New starter
  • Clutch safety switch jumpered
  • Clutch inhibitor relay conductivity tested OK via multimeter
  • No visible corrosion on starter or battery terminals
  • Fine-grit-sanded and cleaned all connections/grounds on negative battery cable
  • Installed new negative battery terminal
  • Tried using jumper cable between negative battery terminal and block, and negative terminal and chassis (to test for bad ground)
  • Dummy lights always show in ON position, so the key is making good contact, I believe

When the starter does decide to turn over, the car fires right up and drives beautifully. I'm running out of ideas.
2010-02-11 04:06:45
Heh, my issues always seem to stump the forum.

Tonight I installed a new battery-to-starter cable. Multimeter verified full voltage available at starter terminal. In theory, no lack of juice between the positive battery post and starter.

Per FSM, all that stands between me turning the key and the starter cranking is: ignition switch, ignition 10A fuse (not blown), clutch interlock relay (tested OK), fusible link box (none blown), and clutch safety switch (jumpered).

Why does the starter creak when the key is ON, instead of remain silent? Seems like insufficient power, but why?

2010-02-11 04:19:00
cut the signal wire to the starter from the ignition, turn the ignition on and jump the starter solenoid by bridging it with a screwdriver or using a start button
try changing the ignition switch? or cutting the signal from the starter to the ignition and using a jumper wire from the switch to the starter?
2010-02-11 19:22:02
If you jump start the car does it stay running?
2010-02-12 11:30:37
I'd try what Dave said first to eliminate possiblity of a bad ign switch.

It is a long shot but take a torque wrench and try turning your engine over when it isn't starting. See it if for some reason the motor is unusually difficult to turn. Like a said it's a long shot but it seems you've exhausted all avenues for checking out the starter, yet it still seems to be low on juice.
2010-02-19 03:00:18
Fixified! I hope.

I replaced the starter solenoid signal wire with one I stripped from the engine harness on my old B13 SE-R parts car. Fired right up.

The wire in question is the one that runs from solenoid connector on the starter to the middle of the trio of connectors below the battery tray and intake (they sit right next to the clutch release arm). When the key is in the ON position, this wire is energized.

Looks like the starter was getting enough juice, but the solenoid wasn't getting adequate voltage to extend the plunger and complete the circuit.
2010-02-19 04:19:36
Thanks for posting the fix. I'm sure someone else will run into a similar issue.
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