Join Date: 2009-07-06 Location: St Pete Florida Posts: 942 Trader Score: 0 (0%)
So I just installed a new dash in my classic se-r.
And I am wondering what is the best treatment to put on it to keep it from rolling up or cracking. I want to try to keep this thing preserved the best way I can. Any suggestions.
I've been using black magic for years with no problems, I know it contains plasticisers (think I spelled it right)(most auto detailers use some kind of generic protectant that uses plasticisers) which replenish some of the chemicals that keep the plastic soft, and I believe it contains a UV protectant too, just don't use armor all every dash I've ever used it on has cracked
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Ken, what Mike said above... good advice. I used Black Magic on my old Honda(17 years). When I sold it, the dash still looked and felt brand new. Definitely do not use armor all, makes the dash rock hard, thus making it more prone to cracking.
Formula 303 protectant is the ONLY thing I will ever put on my dash,or other trim.
It is UV and no silicones like armorall,and others.
Google it you will see it has many uses.I order it online,but boat stores have it usually.
Spray bottle full of water & some yellow microfiber towels from Costco. I do this once a week on my cars & no damaged/cracked dash.
Yes, stay Away from Armor-All & simular stuff like it, stuff like that belongs on tires. Silicone base ones are diffrent & better.
I stoped doing the shiny dash thing beacuse dirt accumulates much faster than using water & it sucks cleaning it every other day than just every weekend.