OK, I took the tranny inside and gave it a thorough checkout, here's my conclusion, and some pix.
The gear stack is in perfect shape, I don't see a scratch on any of the gears. No mis-alignment, no bad syncros, I was able to effortlessly maneuver my way through all the gears. Here's what seemed to have happened. Somehow, there was enough force on the trans that the differential wanted to make a quick exit. It jumped straight off the output shaft, towards the driver's side axle. You'll see the thrust bearing in pic 2, there's one of those on each side of the diff, keeping it centered in the casing. In pic 3, you see a metal ring poking out, (obviously, the thing that blew out the side), that is the bearing journal, which the diff was riding on. Tried to blow that clean out. Without the diff secure on both sides, it was able to rub on another metal object which ground down those 10 bolts and a little bit on the edge of the teeth. That's where all the metal shavings have come from.
In a nutshell, none of the guts are damaged enough for me to worry. A new gearbox shell and the car's good. I also need 2 new axles, 1 axle seal, and 1 ball joint, a ton of degreaser and I should be back on the road.
Here are the final pix: