Wow, what a crock of **** this has been. Anyone could have joined SERCA until about 3 years ago. You wanted SERCA to float you some money to hold a convention and you couldn't even bother to become a member?
And Brad, why should SERCA give any information out to nonmembers?
Never said holding a large Nissan event was easy, but it's not a calling card to hold a convention. Probably take about the same amount of work, just in different directions and areas.
So, Dre, you and others have partially succeeded in dividing the community with your plans. Feel better now? After everything that happened to the other forum, y'all just had to pull this crap... friggin shame on you.
It's apparent that this is a private vendetta and agenda by you against part of the community, something you've accused SERCA of doing to you. It's equally apparent that you have a GINORMOUS chip on your shoulder. Rare air is hard to breathe, up in that tower, but I'm sure y'all will be fine.
This whole thread has left me feeling ill, not just the content but towards others on both sides.
When we in FL approached SERCA back then for a convention, we were told we didn't have enough members in SERCA to be considered. When we enquired about joining SERCA and what benifit we would gain from paying our dues, we were basically left in the cold. The vast majority of events at the time (and probably still) were occuring in Cali (I've often found it ironic that the last two letters of SERCA are the abreviation CA - for Cali.) The concensus in our local (Tampa) club was why pay $30 a year and get a small fraction of it back to host events such as AutoX and track days? When we pointed this out to SERCA, we were told... oh well. It seemed like a pyramid scheme then and it still does. I guess if I lived in Cali or out West, I'd probably join as well. At least then you'd get a return on your dues and maybe have your costs offset by the small membership spread through out the rest of the country.
Now, to answer your question... why should they give information out to non-members? Why the heck not?!? They pretend to represent the community correct!? They're supposedly a community based organization of SE-R owners right? Why wouldn't they want to make all their actions public in the light of day? Why would they want to hide them? Again, who are they and why aren't they active on the forums? Why aren't they taking new members? Why aren't any of their actions public? Why does our national communty suck so much that we're fighting over this instead of working together to form a real SE-R Club of America here on the forum?
If SERCA is really dead, let's move on and replace them. If we want to keep having a convention (in FL or anywhere else), the need for an umbrella organization isn't going to go away.