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Big B, how many people from FL must show up to complete the quota?
Let us clear something up, the reason we were told the convention could not be held in FL was because we were not part of SERCA. Apparently, there were no members part of SERCA that were from FL so it couldn't be held here. They didn't tell us because nobody was attending which was further from the truth. I can bring up a very old thread to verify this.
Sure the 300 million cars we had at out Nissan meet back in 2003 is not the same as organizing for ao convention, but that meet can't be brushed off. IIRC (Rob can chime in here), we had a local Nissan Dealership hold up a booth with raffling off a new car.
Serban, do you have the pictures from that meet?
I was involved with SERCA when FL stated they wanted a convention. It was just after the Birmingham convention, so holding it in the same region 2 years in a row, didn't make sense. The arguement about not having it in FL because no one was a member, makes perfect sense. Why should a paying membership club, loan money to a group who didn't even want to be members? You know, you can't shop at Costco or Sam's Club without being a member, you should go protest outside their doors about how unfair that is. Since SERCA is all but dead, this isn't true anymore. What needs to happen is a group from FL needs to come up with a plan that includes a city, and track. Until this happens, it's just a group of people saying they want the convention in their backyard, without anyone stepping up and saying they will run it. In my eyes, the person, or people who are going to run the event, need to attend at least 1 convention. I had gone to 3 conventions before I headed up Birmingham, and I still forgot stuff. I had great help from people who had been to the same number of events, and that still happened. Saying you want to head up the event without even seeing it in person, is asking for trouble. You may have organized a huge meet with 1000 cars, but that is only 1 part of the whole weekend. Organizing it in a city that you don't live in, adds more trouble. Birmingham is 4 hours away from me, and I got very lucky to find 2 locals that helped out more than I could have asked for. I also made 3 trips, as did Thomas Reynolds and it was a 6 hour drive for him, to scout out picnic places, hotels, places to eat, and other stuff. Also, plan on having 0 fun that weekend. Between making sure the track event is running straight, listen to people complain, dealing with the hotel staff, making sure the raffle is going smooth, and everything else, by the time you catch your breath, everyone has gone home. I've heard many people say Birmingham was the best convention they went to, but I don't remember any of it. I ran around at the track all day, got to drive in a few sessions, and by the time it was time for dinner, I fet sick,didn't eat, and was in bed by 9. I'm sure JP had a similar experience, but he had Saturday to kind of recover between the track and picnic.
I would love to see the convention in FL, but from a logistics point of view, Miami makes it hard for anyone not in FL to drive. From Nashville to Miami is at least a 14 - 15 hr drive. LA is pretty far out there, but CA is a big state, and most of the people who did drive, didn't have to drive all the way through the state to get there.