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Thread: 2008 Convention

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2008-01-15 19:38:58
Originally Posted by happynole
I just spent 30 minutes reading the last several days posts, and I'm really bothered. I am looking at giving up a considrable amount of personal time to try and set up a convention for 2009 in Savannah. Not a meet, a convention. I've been to both and they are not the same. Now I'm hearing that some of you from Florida are going to set up "your own thing" on the same dates? I thought we were trying to unite as a group. This looks like the opposite to me. I would be happy to give up 2009 to come to Florida for the convention. Less work and more fun for me anyways. I don't want to start a competition for the same weekend with you guys, I just can't see where all of this is headed. Dre, I have spent a bunch of money with you and have called you on many, many occasions for advice. Why would you undermine my efforts like this?

Dre, you never responded directly to Joe. Why not? He has a valid point, why would you undermine another community member and his efforts?

I can see both sides of the arguements, but some of them are just repetitive bs, whah! whah! whah!, and unfounded accusations. I'd love to see a convention in Florida, but... you have to step up and provide the logistics for the convention. Not just "we had a meet here with over 3 million nissans in a parking lot... it was really cool."

I think the reason they're asking you do attend a convention is so that you can see what others have done, what was done correctly and what to avoid... it's a lot of work, some of which you may not be aware of. No one would want you to lose what's left of your mind trying to set this up.

All I'm seeing, in this massive thread, is a deliberate attempt to separate the community... again. To satisfy.... what? Ego? Power trips are a rush, just don't forget to hit the brakes or run out of road.

Great, another "us" .vs. "them" situation... very sad.

I think I'll snag the web address/name sr20--forum.com, for when this blows up after further dividing the community. Nice job, guys, keep poking each other with sticks
2008-01-15 19:50:34
Originally Posted by nogo
Dre, you never responded directly to Joe. Why not? He has a valid point, why would you undermine another community member and his efforts?

I can see both sides of the arguements, but some of them are just repetitive bs, whah! whah! whah!, and unfounded accusations. I'd love to see a convention in Florida, but... you have to step up and provide the logistics for the convention. Not just "we had a meet here with over 3 million nissans in a parking lot... it was really cool."

I think the reason they're asking you do attend a convention is so that you can see what others have done, what was done correctly and what to avoid... it's a lot of work, some of which you may not be aware of. No one would want you to lose what's left of your mind trying to set this up.

All I'm seeing, in this massive thread, is a deliberate attempt to separate the community... again. To satisfy.... what? Ego? Power trips are a rush, just don't forget to hit the brakes or run out of road.

Great, another "us" .vs. "them" situation... very sad.

I think I'll snag the web address/name sr20--forum.com, for when this blows up after further dividing the community. Nice job, guys, keep poking each other with sticks

I spoke to Happy on the phone already how much more directly do you want me to talk to him.

It has been them vs us and no one listened.

If the FL guys have been asking for a convention many times over and is getting passed up while other places are getting conventions double upped then what do you want them to do, just sit there and take it. Hell no. I might not win this but I and other will be heard foresure. You dont have to like our opinion but sometimes you have to take drastic measure when wrongs have been done.

We will be working on our own FL SR Convention.

Let me say this again, FL has net even been considere once for this convention thing even after throwing our names in the pot over and over again.
2008-01-15 19:53:37
Originally Posted by Andreas
What State are you from trance34.

I am from IL, I am the one who hosted last years convention. Do you want to know what I did to get the convention to IL?
2008-01-15 19:57:28
Originally Posted by trance34
I am from IL, I am the one who hosted last years convention. Do you want to know what I did to get the convention to IL?

I do not need to know what you did to get it there ( HAHAHAHA ).

I see that you got your convention right in IL, so you are ok as with that. No wonder you can argue against what I am saying.

Like I said before your pot is full so all is well that ends well since your were served food. Your beely is full.

I bet you guys only put up your names once or twice and got it. Mmmmmm
2008-01-15 19:59:13
I got to go work on a car. Will be back in 2 hours. bye bye.
2008-01-15 20:07:52
Actually I had been trying since 2004 to bring it to IL. I got passed up twice and had to wait, not big deal in my book because I enjoy traveling. The difference is I went to conventions and understood what was needed to be done. I didn't sit behind my computer and start battles about it. You and the others from FL are the only ones saying that you have no opportunity to get a SERCA convention to your state, at this point I disagree. It may have been that way in the past and I may not be right, but I think that if you were to focus your attention on contacting SERCA officials (if they exist) instead of all this bickering on the forum you might see differently.
2008-01-15 20:08:41
Miko, the only way I see a convention being in FL is if it's in the northern region as opposed to Miami or such. Jacksonville would be an excellent idea. A good place for everyone around the country to get to and still hosted by the FL members. Would you have objections to that? Or is Jacksonville too far out-of-the-way?
2008-01-15 20:19:57
Dre, have y'all ever provided any type of logistics/facts for the event? You know, approximations of costs for the track, hotel(embassy suites?), picnik(sp), free day and other associated events? If so, then I don't know why Florida keeps getting passed on. But, if not, why in the world would they give the event to Florida?

If you've done the homework, then you have a point. If you haven't... crazy.

This almost seems like a pissing contest for you(yeah, I know, Florida's shaped like a small penis). And, it looks like there is going to be a division along the "yellow piss" stream... dividing the community again. For what?

You've threatened to have the Florida convention on the same dates as the SERCA convention. Joe called you out on that. You replied to him by phone? Why are you being so coy, now? Why not share the "finding" with the rest of the community? Is it a secret? Are you deliberately keeping information from us? Do any of the last 3 sentences sound familiar to you? It's what you've accused o†hers of doing.
2008-01-15 20:23:51
AAAH!!! I love Chipotle.
2008-01-15 20:32:36
I have said it in the past and will say it again, I would be very down with a FL convention. Whether it be Miami, Jacksonville, or even Pensacola. I think Miami would be a stretch because of how far it is.
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