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Thread: 2008 Convention

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2008-01-15 01:40:24
2008-01-15 01:42:03
this is sad, really sad. it would be nice to see some of the cleanest SE-R in the country at the Convention. i'll let this be and I've put my $.02 as far as what SERCA has done for me and what not. If Dre wants to keep thinking SERCA is a Nazi or Communist or whatever, that's his opinion and hopefully not the majority.
2008-01-15 01:53:17
Well, i guess it may not have been so bad if Florida had the convention once, before Los Angeles having it TWICE!

I missed the Chicago convention by 2 years, AND people were saying it was weak. WTF???

Fruits of SERCA's labor i guess.

I don't dispute Dre's argument given the history of actions of past.

BUT! Whatever, i guess it just shows Florida ppl don't exactly " need " SERCA.
2008-01-15 02:06:03
Originally Posted by 91grayDET
Well, i guess it may not have been so bad if Florida had the convention once, before Los Angeles having it TWICE!

Yeah you're right man I wish there could have been some Florida guys that showed up to one of the past 8 conventions and spread the word about their plans. If there were more people willing to plan and host a convention then they could be held in different areas instead of having repeats.
2008-01-15 02:15:22
Originally Posted by paNX2K&SE-R
Yeah you're right man I wish there could have been some Florida guys that showed up to one of the past 8 conventions and spread the word about their plans. If there were more people willing to plan and host a convention then they could be held in different areas instead of having repeats.

But Serban showed up to the Chicago convention, him and I talked about ppl who were there that i used to hang out with ( Jose aka Natural81,Paul P , Nismo91, Mike Jez etc ) i wish i could have made it there, sh!t ,i USED to live there gawdammit, and we spoke about what was going on during the Stuart FL mini meet ( which by the way i respect all you guys who showed up ) .

AND once again SERCA forgets about Florida.

All along i just want to be " Considered " and not " Ruled out " the way it's been for what seems like the past 9 years.

LA twice, Florida , 0......Doesn't the laws of averages prevent that??
2008-01-15 02:35:35
I've only read through 5 pages, but I'm down for a FL meet. As long as I'm not driving ALL THE WAY TO SOUTH FL, then yes, I'm down. If a meet is to be organized in Florida, I think that it needs to be in Central or North FL. What's wrong with Tampa? I've never been, I've just got friends in Tampa. But I mean, would it be fair for all of us "up-ers" to have to drive an ADDITIONAL 4-5 hours just to get to the southern tip of Florida? Y'all get what I'm sayin? What if y'all (Floridians) had to drive a few hours north? I would think that that would be the least y'all could do to save the rest of us from having to drive to YOUR hometown? Or am I way off here?

EDIT: I read more posts, Miko makes a good point. I'll drive the extra time to South Beach. LET'S DO THIS!!!
2008-01-15 03:48:51
Originally Posted by Andreas
So whe got

2 LA events,
2 Texas events,
2 in the same area DC-NY/NJ/PA
1 Birmingham AL and the one for 09 right next to it GA
1 AZ
1 Texas
1 up and coming Las Vegas 5 hours from Cali in the same are again
1 Chicago


Hate to burst your bubble Miko, but LA to LV is a 3.5 hour drive, unless you leave on a friday during Rush Hour traffic, then its 6 hours & thats a PITA drive too.

btw, im with everyone else here, make your convention & ppls will come, just dont do some Ghetto-ass shiet & make it on the same day as the Vegas one...

Floreda Convention...
2008-01-15 04:07:12
Originally Posted by Andreas
So whe got

1 Birmingham AL and the one for 09 right next to it GA


Both of these states are also right next to FL as well as each other.

To put distance relations in context:

The left yellow dot is Birmingham, the right one is Savannah.
2008-01-15 09:34:55
I have no dog in this race. But the point remains. You FL guys must be crazy if you are complaining about a drive to SOUTH GA? What is up with that I live in Tn and I am going to Vegas. How can you guys complain? I dont think people are gonna drive across country and then 15 hours across FL.
I DO not understand what the argument is about...
2008-01-15 11:07:27
Ok SO Cali had

3 of them within 3.5 hours of easch other. Makes me wonder

1 AZ

2 in Texas

2 in the same area DC-NY/NJ/PA, within 3 hours of each outher

I Chicago

2 Birmingham AL and the one for 09 right next to it GA

Happy good morning to all of the longest thread od the new forum. Yeah
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