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Thread: 2008 Convention

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2008-01-14 16:06:34
Originally Posted by Andreas
FL will hold its own comvention every year right on the same day as the National convention. No back dealing, not stealing.

There will be costs for the events Posted.
There will be a Doantion started to clear the costs
There will be a amount of money sent it clearly marked by its memebers until the costs are satisfied and then all money donations will be cloesed untill next year. How hard is that.

The Forum members are in the loop[ they know what is going on and their money is accounted for. I guess it is to honest for some.

^This will make half of the nation choose..........It sounds like this is a battle between "SERCA vs FL SRpowerd people............and the rest of the SR20WORLD is caught in the crossfire.............<--------If this statement is not right then somebody DELETE my membership NOW!

Originally Posted by trance34
Why would you do that? Whats the point, more separation?

^Check my quote above^ That's what I think.......
2008-01-14 16:09:30
There are no good reasons, that I have seen so far.

There aint no lies in my game. I sell SR20 parts I always have. I made a profit as thats how I supported myself. I payed taxes on my profit and built my cars and saved money with it.

I am sure a few cars got built and raced on this money with no taxes payed. Non Profit my ass.

2008-01-14 16:10:26
Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DE
^This will make half of the nation choose..........It sounds like this is a battle between "SERCA vs FL SRpowerd people............and the rest of the SR20WORLD is caught in the crossfire.............<--------If this statement is not right then somebody DELETE my membership NOW!

^Check my quote above^ That's what I think.......

Nope FL will stick to their own as thats what was shown to us. Everyone else can do what they want to do.
2008-01-14 16:13:27
Originally Posted by Andreas
Nope FL will stick to their own as thats what was shown to us. Everyone else can do what they want to do.

^Dang..............Miko...........I'm from GA, yet you just made me feel like I live in Alaska........

It seems that you should be more pissed at SERCA......., but what do I know. I've never been to a convention and all my comments are based on this thread alone and not experience of attending a convention.
2008-01-14 16:14:01
Last thing untill someone can prove me wrong I will not stand down.

I have more crap to come, I dont care who ends up hating me, I am calling people out and will hold them acountable infront of this SR20 communtiy they so called love.

There is a hole in thr barrel and the water has been leaking out for years and the true SR20 people are still hear and the others have dipped as the future for them no looks bleak in this endevor
2008-01-14 16:16:07
Originally Posted by Andreas
BigB you are arguing a point that clearly shows these people pocketed the money and ran.

No one took the money and ran. Each year, SERCA loans the region hosting the convention, the track deposit and any other deposits needed. The costs of the convention are kept at a point where it's affordable for people to come, but also be able to break even. To a point, the prices are set to account for a low turn out, so that year is not in the red. At the end of the convention, the hosting region pays SERCA main back for the loan that was given. The region keeps the extra and uses it for future events. This was is how it happened in '03 when I did Birmingham. JP and I both have been to just about all of the convention and have organized one ourselves, so we know the costs involved form both ends. The whole deal with having it a SERCA convention, it so whomever is organizing the event, is not having to pay for deposits out of there own pockets. You would be amazed at how many people wait until the last minute to pay for the convention. I had a ton of people paying AT THE CONVENTION for their registration. When you are needing that money to pay the track owner, EMT guys, track workers, picnic permits, food, T shirts, and anything else, the last thing you want to do it reach into your own wallet and pay for it. I'm not sure about you, but I don't have the money to gamble like that. I've already talked to Joe(happynole) about helping out for '09, since the SE had money left over from '03, and he won't have to go to SERCA main for the loan, or pay it himself.
2008-01-14 16:17:42
Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DE
^Dang..............Miko...........I'm from GA, yet you just made me feel like I live in Alaska.

it aint personal this is about how I feel and what bull crap has been going on.

If I come to a convention there will be a fight as I will not shut my mouth on this subject so it is best I stay out.

Let me tell you something about me, win or loose in anything if I have an agends or something to say I will not back down. That means on proinciple of a fight. If I loose a fight at least you know I am not going to be a push over to no one and it will make you think about it the next time. No coward here.

Me Nah RUN
2008-01-14 16:21:46
Originally Posted by eric96ser
No one took the money and ran. Each year, SERCA loans the region hosting the convention, the track deposit and any other deposits needed. The costs of the convention are kept at a point where it's affordable for people to come, but also be able to break even. To a point, the prices are set to account for a low turn out, so that year is not in the red. At the end of the convention, the hosting region pays SERCA main back for the loan that was given. The region keeps the extra and uses it for future events. This was is how it happened in '03 when I did Birmingham. JP and I both have been to just about all of the convention and have organized one ourselves, so we know the costs involved form both ends. The whole deal with having it a SERCA convention, it so whomever is organizing the event, is not having to pay for deposits out of there own pockets. You would be amazed at how many people wait until the last minute to pay for the convention. I had a ton of people paying AT THE CONVENTION for their registration. When you are needing that money to pay the track owner, EMT guys, track workers, picnic permits, food, T shirts, and anything else, the last thing you want to do it reach into your own wallet and pay for it. I'm not sure about you, but I don't have the money to gamble like that. I've already talked to Joe(happynole) about helping out for '09, since the SE had money left over from '03, and he won't have to go to SERCA main for the loan, or pay it himself.

I can read this an understand some of what you are saying and you have brought up some good points.

I am down for everything but still there are some good points in this statemnt.

Like I said before post what you know and proof right here in the open and we will go on from there.

Sound like SERCA sitting on some good money there. The money that SERCA has collected the damn events should not be paying them back. They collected and thats what they are there for.
2008-01-14 16:22:55
I have to go, will be back in a few hours.

To my fans and foes alike have a great day and I will see you guys soon for some more debate.
2008-01-14 16:24:14
Originally Posted by Andreas
I can read this an understand some of what you are saying and you have brought up some good points.

I am down for everything but still there are some good points in this statemnt.

Like I said before post what you know and proof right here in the open and we will go on from there.

Sound like SERCA sitting on some good money there. The money that SERCA has collected the damn events should not be paying them back. They collected and thats what they are there for.

can you rewrite that so I know what it is you are trying to say?
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