Originally Posted by happynole
From what I was told, the issues have been resolved. A lighter than expected turnout caused the costs to exceed the ticket sales, resulting in the shortfall. The key is in geting enough people to attend and participate in the track event, so that it at least breaks even. Making a little extra to offset additional expenses is a bonus.
From what I was told, the issues have been resolved. A lighter than expected turnout caused the costs to exceed the ticket sales, resulting in the shortfall. The key is in geting enough people to attend and participate in the track event, so that it at least breaks even. Making a little extra to offset additional expenses is a bonus.
We needed 55 track entries to break even on the track day, we had 33 or 37, I can't remember exactly. I tired drumming up interest locally but nobody was interested in paying the price since there were cheaper track days around.
Not to mention the rain on Sunday at the picnic kept locals away from that.