LOL, that's funny and so true at this point.
Bringing it down a notch, my vote would be for Florida to put on an event on a different weekend than SERCA run conventions. I'd like to see as many of my friends from across the country show up to our thing. Heck, I'd like to see our thing become everyone's thing. The whole reason I started posting in this thread was in hopes to generate interest in a true National SER Convention (IE, not SERCA)... not to generate a war. A forum led convention would allow all decisions to be made in public view (including the finances). SERCA has legal non-profit status. That's why it's still running the only game in town. Ok, so why don't we setup our own Non-profit tied to the forum? That way we could rent tracks, hire workers, buy supplises, ect.
Does anyone else have any non-profit experience here? I'm on the Board of Directors for a federal non-profit animal shelter so I know some of what is involved. It's not an easy process to setup a federal non-profit. It takes time and a lot of effort, but it can be done.
These are just my thoughts on the subject, and I'm just one voice among the obviously many pissed off FL ppl. Hopefully we can all move forward together.