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Thread: 2008 Convention

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2008-01-11 16:04:47
Originally Posted by happynole

From what I was told, the issues have been resolved. A lighter than expected turnout caused the costs to exceed the ticket sales, resulting in the shortfall. The key is in geting enough people to attend and participate in the track event, so that it at least breaks even. Making a little extra to offset additional expenses is a bonus.

We needed 55 track entries to break even on the track day, we had 33 or 37, I can't remember exactly. I tired drumming up interest locally but nobody was interested in paying the price since there were cheaper track days around.

Not to mention the rain on Sunday at the picnic kept locals away from that.
2008-01-11 19:49:40
I can't wait
2008-01-11 20:10:54
Originally Posted by SE-Rawkus
This "you got to attend other conventions" is bullcrap!

Serban, Will, Justin and MYSELF (NY/NYC last year) have attend SERCA conventions. I am sure I am leaving some more FL people out. Back in 2003 we even had our own "little" nissan day where over 300+ Nissans attended. And you say we do not have any experience to host an event like this?

Below is a picture of today's little mini Nissan meet. This is maybe just half of the SOFLA Nissans. Imagine having to organize for a SERCA convention down here, I will GUARANTEE a FL SERCA Convention will blow out every SERCA convention attendance record... with just FL cars. Imagine what kind of convention we can have if we included all you fine people into this picture. Not to mention we have world renown Miami Beach close by and the wonderful night life.

You had to throw in that night life.................geeeeez you have my attention now....

Originally Posted by dcr1d3r13
back row 3rd car to the right... the guy is like half missing

Originally Posted by zer099
I am really liking this GA in 09' thing I keep hearing. Savannah is a good spot, or 4 hours north you could have it in Atlanta... you know, convention capital of the south. Just saying...

x 2 ^ GA............
2008-01-11 20:22:55
So basically we've come full circle then? We're back to a SERCA run convention instead of a community wide SR20-Forum convention. We're back to a convention being predicated on the availablity and location of a road course. We're back to creating a convention catering to the 30-40 members interested in a HPDE. Really??

I can live with that if that's what everyone here decides, but I think it's a mistake and a missed opportunity... if SERCA's troubles over the last few years in generating new membership and getting yearly conventions off the ground point anything out to me, it's that we've forsaken our base for a small minority. I just don't see this formula for a national convention being sustainable unless some changes are made.
2008-01-11 21:00:04
Originally Posted by eric96ser
I couldn't disagree with you more. The back of the T shirt is where the vendor is getting exposure for sending raffle prizes or money for the track or picnic. Without having their name on the T shirt, what is the point in sending stuff in?

Maybe to the vendors its important, but I don't see it.

I see charity event t-shirts all day in my office, and the 20 or 30 names on the back of a shirt get zero exposure in my opinion. Who reads that crap?

Vendors may think that it is a hot piece of real estate, but I think they need to be shown more valuable space. Like a vendor page on the official convention website. That'll get hits.

Or Full Page psuedo-ads in the convention PDF booklet. That's zero cost there too.

We could even bite the bullet and do a huge logo vendor banner. That may be $100 or so, but at a few hundred t-shirts, printing 1-sided can save a few hundred bucks.

If anything, when the raffle prizes are given away, you have staring eyes paying complete attention to the vendor's name and the product being given away. Thats a captive audience!

At the very least, I can create a 4color vendor flyer and have them posted all around the track event and the picnic. That cost is less than $10.


We could even explore the vendors as a line-item listing on the front as part of a decorative element.
2008-01-11 21:33:28
Originally Posted by Yosho
So basically we've come full circle then? We're back to a SERCA run convention instead of a community wide SR20-Forum convention. We're back to a convention being predicated on the availablity and location of a road course. We're back to creating a convention catering to the 30-40 members interested in a HPDE. Really??

I can live with that if that's what everyone here decides, but I think it's a mistake and a missed opportunity... if SERCA's troubles over the last few years in generating new membership and getting yearly conventions off the ground point anything out to me, it's that we've forsaken our base for a small minority. I just don't see this formula for a national convention being sustainable unless some changes are made.

Yeah, it's been really unsustainable for the past, what, 7 years?

You don't like it, you have two choices:

1) don't go
2) organize your own convention

BTW, how many conventions have you been to?
2008-01-11 21:44:36
Originally Posted by Yosho
I too love HPDEs and think the SE-R can be made into a fine car for it... but quite honestly, that's not what our cars were designed to do and only a small fraction of us use/build our cars for that purpose. My impression is that far more of us owners use our cars for DD duty, weekend AutoX or drag racing events, and perhaps the occasional car show.

It's also been my observation over the years that the fixation most car clubs (including ours) have on trying to tie in a HPDE with a national convention keeps the events from happening in the first place.

How many of us are really interested in the costs associated with attending and participating in the HPDE portion of a convention? We can always organize one if there's enough interest, but to put it in perspective, here's what I'm planning on paying for another car club's national convention later this year (one that *was* designed for track days I might add and thus requires less money to make it track worthy).

The driver's fee for the HPDE portion of the 2008 Integra Type-R Club of America's convention this year is going to be $360 *per driver*. Now add in hotel costs (my '07 cost was around $245 and it was only 5 hours from where I live) and travel expenses (food, gas, ect)... and finally, track day wear items (rotors, pads, fluid, filters, gas, and tires) and you're looking at a SE-Riously expensive weekend.


The entry cost for the average SE-R owner to attend/participate in an AutoX, Drag Race, or car show as a focal event are significantly less expensive. Those type of focal events also provide far more flexibility for event planners to find a suitable location and date.

What you conveniently fail to mention about Expo 9 is that they are running VIR full course, again. That is also 2 DAYS of track time. $360 for 2 DAYS of track at VIR FULL COURSE is a ****ing STEAL!

We get it, you don't like track days, but you do want to do a drag day and car show. Sounds like another HIN or NOPI to me.

The track day is what has separated the SE-R convention from every other car groups get together other than ITRCA. That was/is a point a of pride.

Now you just want to make it into another Floss & Eat show.
2008-01-11 21:55:44
Originally Posted by BigB
...The track day is what has separated the SE-R convention from every other car groups get together other than ITRCA. That was/is a point a of pride.

Now you just want to make it into another Floss & Eat show.

Exactly my thoughts.

Man I would LOVE 2 whole days at VIR!
2008-01-11 22:07:03
^^ I take it your car isn't worthy of the strip or a show then? Because from the sounds of it you have an issue with that.

Meets aren't ALWAYS about how a car's performance on a winding track. Wow!!!! Your car can go fast in a turn. That's great! BUT... it's a meet for people to "MEET" also. Not to race or show off. A lot of you people mis the facts of these kinda gatherings.
2008-01-11 22:18:05
I don't have an issue with car shows, but NOPI....been there done that. Not trying to brag, but since you called me out, my car looked good enough to get the Best B13 at the small Chicago convention, so I would say I'm OK with it.

I just happen to value the fact that my car went full out on the track all day without any issues, and it was pretty well balanced.

You're right, meets aren't ALWAYS about a car's performance. But a national annual convention should be.
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