Originally Posted by
Yes Nismo make a strong stud. I will be running this stud for my build.
All the head studs except GTIR come under the same part number.
VE engines use different main cap studs.
I see that this post likely caused a lot of the confusion in this thread (LANCESR20 didn't help any by bringing up main cap bolts to begin with though).
I will translate it so it won't be so confusing.
Yes LANCESR20, I agree that Nismo makes strong hardware. I will be using their head studs on my build.
As a side note, all of the head bolts for the SR20 engines are all the same except the GTi-R bolts. They all have the same part number. So that answers one of your questions dwlf89. No the regular SR20DET bolts are not an upgrade. They are the same. (The GTi-R head bolts are 12mm in diameter where all the rest are 11mm. Don't even think about using the GTi-R head bolts on another block for that reason.)
And since someone brought up main cap bolts, I'll let you know the SR20VE engines use different main cap bolts (they are shorter because there is no girdle) so if you're following the off topic main bolt talk, don't try to use those if you have a girdle.