Originally Posted by
The only reason I need the pinouts for those two plugs is to make sure that there is no difference between the sr and ga. I have the cluster pinouts that you just pointed out, and for the record the far left plug for the with tach is wrong. The sr cluster uses the same exact plug as the ga, it's just pinned differently. I'm in the middle of doing it right now, and I'm not gonna lie, it's a pita.
2 things that will definitely help here. What year is this, and what vehicle? So far you've not told us, and as such I'm using th FSM I have at hand, which is for a 1997 Sentra/200SX. There is a possibility that different years, different body styles, etc. will have variances, but I don't know since I handle my FSM most of the time and as such, only memorized info from that particular one.
If something isn't lining up, make sure you're in the right FSM. If you think that the FSM is lying (an instance I've yet to have happen on mine), then just trace the wire(s) in question, heck you can even use a continuity test to make sure you're still tracing the right one. The back of the clusters even have the circuits labelled of what goes where. With all this, I could custom rewire the entire cluster with new wiring without issue.
If you're doing more than just a cluster swap (such as motor swap, new harness installation, etc.) , then you're going to have to look at more than just wiring diagrams, you're going to have to investigate ECU compatibility and possibly get a different ECU.
All the info is here, either in this thread, or in the FSMs. As BenFenner pointed out, the PDFs are missing a foldout of wiring diagrams, but that by no means makes it impossible to do what you're trying to do. The info you need is still there. You just have to do a little more wire tracing and testing.