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Thread: wont idle

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2009-10-11 21:38:02
wont idle
rebuilt motor. everything seems right. Wont stay on. Has spark and fuel wtf is wrong
2009-10-11 21:42:57
2009-10-11 21:44:12
+2 on vacuum

grab a vacuum gauge and hook it up to one of your vacuum lines and check what the needle does
2009-10-11 22:17:48
is it a hunting idle or just dies on you?
2009-10-12 17:06:21
at passed advance its hunts for idle then dies. at normal timming it wont crank faster than started speed
2009-10-13 21:19:59
I was disconnecting connectors on my scrap Nx2000 to find out which ones it really needed to start.

I also had a dying idle, so my opinion is it could be anything, but I must say no MAF and no TPS connected and the car wouldn't even idle for more then 5 sec and with MAF and TPS, it was ok enough 'to drive home'. However it wasn't warmed up yet and openeing throttle made a hwwuwm-mwfbrlllmmrehhbbpm blop blop p pp ppp pblop and engine dies.

Putting all connectors back made it idle at 850 again and cold or warm. I can't tell for sure but I'd say vacuum was and still is ok.

No error codes?
2009-10-13 21:26:51
moare still around bro lol youll get it goin but i need to see the motor your using.. sensors could be different like coolant temp and all

ok now i see your using another head... this might have somethin to do with it.. like sensors.. if you didnt swap the sensors from old head then now its time to do so... iacv might be different and would have to be rewired if using new one if all this was done.. it might have a gasket leak from intake manifold side... which you will have to find
2009-10-14 11:40:44
Danny, i'm using another head. And to my understanding i didnt have to bring any sensors to the new one. I'm still using my intake mani and all so i would assume that all the sensors are the same.
EVeryone is telling me its my timing but my ****s dead on when it comes to cams. 10 and 12 oclock. I dont understand why it hickups hard when i advance it to 30* or so. Otherwis there isnt a way to keep her on. And even with it at 30* i have to stay on the gas.. seems all my vacuum is hooked up to spec.
And i just got a wiring diagram from AllData to find out exactly where i fuc*d up on the wiring. I'm pretty sure i'm just going to pull the motor out again, but this time with the wiring harness and then pull everything in correctly and making it look pretty. also there's coolant drainage coming from hose out back. Think i busted it.
but all in all. i wanted to get it running correctly before i pulled it again!!! lmk any ideas on where i could have messed up. Thanks
2009-10-14 17:03:48
Fix The Leak..
2009-10-16 23:32:18
leaks done, it was the upper oil pan seal, that i didnt put enough rtv
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