As it says. They won't even budge. Is there a trick or just twist and hope they don't snap? Help please. I need to get it off tonight so I can get the head in to the shop.
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Well I guess this means that I am still breathing.
Well, now I wish I wouldn't have gotten the studs out. Took it to the shop and found out that it's warped 5/1000's on top and 9/1000's on the bottom. I can have it straightened or rebuilt. If they just do the straightening then I can never have is resurfaced so I think the rebuild is the way to go. What ya think?
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Well I guess this means that I am still breathing.
It's not the studs that are the issue. It's the entire head. The top and bottom surfaces are warped. I called a couple shops and it will cost the same to rebuild it as it will to buy another one. That is if anyone can find another one.
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Well I guess this means that I am still breathing.