One other disadvantage in addition to all those pointed out is higher combustion temps can lead to NOx emissions in excess of those which the emissions control can handle, particularly at idle lower revs (~2500 rpm). Like Ben with a Koyo, half 50% coolant mix, a bottle of Water Wetter and the rest distilled water, I find my op temps consistently close to 180 deg. I never see the fans operate unless the A/C is activated under the right conditions as in above chart.
I run a thin mix with mostly water partly because if I leak on the track or in a track garage, it would be much easier to clean up. I've even checked the engine, radiator neck, etc, with my thermal laser just to see what gets hotter than is picked up by sensors, and it bears out the same story. One curious thing I found was my wheels actually get up to almost 200 deg in front with tire temps in the 170's and rotor temps low 200's. Never expected that until I just about burned my hand on the front wheel after 60 minutes on course.
I run a thin mix with mostly water partly because if I leak on the track or in a track garage, it would be much easier to clean up. I've even checked the engine, radiator neck, etc, with my thermal laser just to see what gets hotter than is picked up by sensors, and it bears out the same story. One curious thing I found was my wheels actually get up to almost 200 deg in front with tire temps in the 170's and rotor temps low 200's. Never expected that until I just about burned my hand on the front wheel after 60 minutes on course.