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Thread: Handful of problems after putting motor in

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2009-09-13 21:18:25
i really dont think its a vacuum leak, of course i havent pressure tested the system. Right now im rechecking the wiring on my maf, is it normal that a white wire and orange wire are surrounded by like empty wire in a gray bigger tubing on the sr20 harness side?
2009-09-13 21:32:36
Yeah, that's normal. The outside wire is the ground, and those two inside wires are the 12VDC power and 1-5VDC signal.
2009-09-13 21:33:13
I would definitely pressure test the system and check for boost/vacuum leaks. Anytime you touch something related to either, it's good to check to be sure you didn't introduce any leaks.
2009-09-13 22:12:20
I pulled the plugs and it looks like im running lean/hot. I dont get it was never doing this before.
2009-09-13 22:15:38
Originally Posted by TeKKiE
Yeah, that's normal. The outside wire is the ground, and those two inside wires are the 12VDC power and 1-5VDC signal.

you sure

I thought the outside wire is 12v postive
2009-09-13 23:15:39
Well all the injectors are deff working, i pulled the rail and first did it by turning the key to see if i had a leaker and i didnt, then i turned the key to see if all of them fire and they do.
Im really at a loss here, i wired my rpm signal for my tach into the ignitor? thats next to the coil, same green with yellow stripe and i still get my rpms
it just idles horribly and hesitates and seems to be running lean/hot
but it still started spinning the tires in 3rd gear that was nice
2009-09-13 23:33:16
fuel pressure at idle is around 45
2009-09-13 23:34:48
things im going to try tomorrow are maybe a new fuel filter? i was thinking an old clogged one might make it run lean but i doubt it. and a o2 sensor, when i unplugged the o2 sensor it seem to idle a lil better which i thought was odd but still had hesitation
my spark plugs are still gapped a .025 like they were before this all happened
what do you peoples think?
2009-09-13 23:40:56
Originally Posted by duesmandella
you sure

I thought the outside wire is 12v postive

My bad At least you knew where to look. I always seem to get them confused.
2009-09-14 00:15:43
Originally Posted by TeKKiE
My bad At least you knew where to look. I always seem to get them confused.

haha i search like a mofo if i dont know an answer, except for whats goin on with my car right now lol
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