I still made the jwt cam stopper as listed on their how to pdf.
Originally Posted by
Yeah thanks, your post helped me alot.
Was this sarcastic!?! Dude, you want me to spoonfeed you fine.
Take the sewing needles. Plug one into the knock sensor harness. Plug the other into the ecu harness on the corrisponding pin, take the alligator clip with a wire on it, attach it to the knock sensor. then take the other side of the alligator clip (assuming it's long enough, just add a wire if it's not) and attach it to one of the leads on your dvm. Then, attach the other lead from the dvm to the pin sticking out of the ecu harness. Set your dvm to continuity with audio response, (looks like an arrow going into ripples of water after a pebble is dropped in) and measure for continuity. If there is, then you're fine. Switch the dvm to resistance and measure the ohms to make sure it's not really really bad resistance (indicating a break in the wire, or corrosion within the wire). Then do the same for the ground on the other pin of the knock sensor harness (if there's 2, I can't quite remember.)
There. Dont say I never do anything for you.