i always tape accross the valve cover and bag the dizzy. i put a bag over the battery and i would suggest sealing off the altinator and completely as possible. everything else is good to go.
i always have a few cans of oven cleaner as well as normal engine degreaser. the oven cleaner is hard core and will haze the paint in your engine bay. but it wont remove paint like brake clean and it does an amazing job on bare metal and rubber. just dont let it sit to long on rubber parts.
does your hood have one of those black heat sheilds on the under side? if not use some normal car wash with wax in it and wash it like you do your car. it will shine it up really nice and reflect your engine

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When I do it, I also cover up the alternator and any exposed electrical connection (plugs). I usually use foil or plastic bags. The plastic bags you have to rip to appropriate size and then use tape to wrap tight. They take a little longer than the foil but also do a better job if you take your time.
all connectors under the hood have rubber gaskets in them makeing them weather resistant. no need for that unless it is damaged. and useing foil on an electrical connector you fear will be damaged by water is a bad idea..........the foil will complete the circuit with a water soaked connect much faster than simply haveing it un coverd.