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Thread: Ball joint separater

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2009-07-31 18:20:59
Ball joint separater
Does anyone know the size ill need to separate the ball joint? Im pulling the front hub assembly off and its the last thing i need to get off. Its a p.i.t.a...

Autozone has them for rent or purchase but i want to make sure i get the right size before i go there.

2009-07-31 18:32:42
hey man im actually doing that right now. just take a hammer and smack it on the housing were the threaded part of the ball joint goes in and wack it a few good times. if you hit it on the right spot it will brake it loose
2009-07-31 18:38:05
Ok ill keep trying to hit it with a hammer. I've been beating the hell out of it for a while now and its only moved a little bit... I don't want to hit the threads in fear of having to replace the ball joint too.
2009-07-31 18:45:15
^Did you spray some WD40 on the area to loosen it up?
2009-07-31 18:51:43
Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DET
^Did you spray some WD40 on the area to loosen it up?

yes i hosed it down last night after i gave up, and sprayed somemore on it today...

I think im just going to man up and beat the snot out of it.
2009-07-31 19:02:45
pb blaster+BFH...FTW!
2009-07-31 19:03:46
You need to put the nut back onto the ball joint. Put the nut on flush with the top of the ball joint shaft and that will protect your threads. Get the $13 balljoint separator that is approximately a 3/4 inch gap between the fork prongs. You need to grease the fork a bit so it doesn't ruin your balljoint grease seal. Hammer that separator in really tight. If the knuckle doesn't pop off then hammer on the top of the balljoint/nut again. That extra tension from the separator will separate things in a jiffy. You still might need to repare the balljoint grease seal or better yet replace it. If you do decide to replace the ball joint I find it easier to remove the control arm and use a BFH (Big F’ing Hammer, 2lb should do it) to beat the ball joint out. Put a piece of metal or wood on top of the backside of the new ball joint so you don’t dent it too much and beat the new one in with your BFH. If you have any questions PM me and I can give you my #. I have done both these things numerous times and would be glad to help.
2009-07-31 19:10:11
Ok thanks guys, gonna get the separater and break out the big hammer.

DAMN YOU Wheel bearing DAMN YOU!!!!!
2009-07-31 20:20:27
lol. i guess i have taken my car apart to many damn time cause mine just pop out with a good wack of the hammer
2009-07-31 20:25:48
did you remember to remove the snap ring/circlip?

1st time i removed my ball joint i forgot to remove the snap ring and it took me forever to take the ball joint out.

unless ur talking about removing the ball jont from the spindle, in that case just wack the side of the spindle where the ball joint fit in to shock the joint out .
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