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Thread: Cannot find Castrol 0w-30 anywhere

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2009-07-24 02:39:08
Cannot find Castrol 0w-30 anywhere
Woo Dudeman is a moron. I had Autozone confused with advanced auto...that's 45min wasted yesterday afternoon! Mods please delete, thanks.

2009-07-24 02:46:28
If you cant get it, go to Platinum or Edge. They have been getting really great UOA's.
2009-07-24 02:55:17
Well looks like it is in stock at the one Auto Zone in Maine! I am going to make the trip tomorrow after work. Can't wait, this stuff is sweet!

Thanks for the suggestion Nighthog, I appreciate you trying to give me an alternative.

It's funny no one else stocks this oil, as during my brief google search I found countless threads on USDM as well as Import forums regarding this oil and were it can be found.

2009-07-24 02:56:36
is platinum or edge group IV?
2009-07-24 03:26:20
Commercial Autozone Stores should have it. Small autozone stores wont stock it.

Originally Posted by ahab91nx
is platinum or edge group IV?

Whats the platinum? never heard of it.
2009-07-24 03:30:29
pennzoil platinum
2009-07-24 04:53:23
Originally Posted by 818_99G20
Commercial Autozone Stores should have it. Small autozone stores wont stock it.

Whats the platinum? never heard of it.

there you have it.
2009-07-24 12:48:14
Originally Posted by Dudeman258
Woo Dudeman is a moron. I had Autozone confused with advanced auto...that's 45min wasted yesterday afternoon! Mods please delete, thanks.


Search the Right Store Noob!

What on earth are you doing in Main?
2009-07-24 17:45:19
Originally Posted by Vadim
Search the Right Store Noob!

What on earth are you doing in Main?

I went to pa to go to just for white castle, why can't he drive up to maine for oil. Walmart usually has a nice selection in stock.
2009-07-24 18:49:47
Originally Posted by Topdog781
I went to pa to go to just for white castle, why can't he drive up to maine for oil. Walmart usually has a nice selection in stock.

Haha, sure sure... Walmart does not have German Castrol... which is 0w-30
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