Lol. I just came across this and found it pretty funny. I just wanted to let you know your old car has nothing even close to anything you posted. We were going to put carpet in but the Honda CRX rails were welded to the floor. We got rid of the big wheels but that wasn't the best of it. The car was very good looking, i'll give it up. We tore the **** out of all the revits that were put into it. The intake box, pretty, but not easy to work on. Definately a nice looking car but in the end, it was a **** box. The car would not run. There were plenty of issues to the point where he got fed up and got rid of the ****. He is boosting happy now so its all good. If you plan on building another track car, I say keep it raw and make sure that bish is running strong.
I actually have my buddy here as well so I am sure he has a little to rant about especially since he drove from fukin NY to SC for that hunk of ****. A couple of the CT boys got their hands on it and are now scratchin their heads on WTF is wrong with it and why it has such bull**** on it.