Originally Posted by
Do you still have your old plugs? Put those suckers in and try driving the car.
Oh I forgot to mention about iridium's and platinum's. I wonder how they would perform side gaped, if they weren't so expensive I probably would hid the dyno with a sidegapped and regular pair.

Originally Posted by
Yes. I would find side-gapping the shrouded electrode spark plug to be almost impossible to any specific distance with regular tools.
Haha, yea, I am going to retry the old plugs and see if anything changes. If so, I'll just go get some NGK's heh.

Originally Posted by
are you running maf or map? the backfiring and the inconsistant air fuel reading got me believing its some sort of issue along the map or maf lines depending on what you are running...maybe bad o2 sensor getting you odd air fuel readings and offsetting your whole fuel and ignition tables?
Just stock maf setup. I am going to re calibrate the O2 gauge, because it just seems too wrong to be true. My engine should have blown up a long time ago.
Although I just recalibrated it under a month ago =/.

Originally Posted by
Will a bad 02 cause startup issues? Thought the 02's didn't come into play until after warm-up?

Originally Posted by
i was refering to the issues he was having after warm up and the whole odd air fuel ratio issues.
As far as I know, the O2 sensor is only used for feedback at idle. I thought it was totally irrelevant for the ECU maps at anything other than idle???

Originally Posted by
So, re-reading the OP, are you SURE it's a backfire, and not a misfire?
Sounds like a backfire, and the uneveness of it in volume and frequency also point to that.
But for now, I will have to look into this stuff. I am moving though so I won't have time till this weekend. I might start another thread that is more general, because I'm starting to think this isn't just a plug problem. =) More likely is that the plugs are just showing me an issue was already there but hidden.
One last question: Do the injectors fire every revolution during engine braking? For some reason I thought they did not. I know it's normal to run very lean on engine braking, but I was just unsure about this.