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Thread: Who is the new admin?

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2007-12-12 18:59:40
I'm excited to see how all of this is going to unfold! Having a nice clean forum like this *plus* affiliated professional NPM-like content working in synergy would be a really cool setup.
2007-12-12 19:08:34
mike, having been a member, and long time fan of GFoS, I know a little bit about what's going on, and have to say before the huge complications, everything ran smooth, and no one complained, except when NF was sold. I'd like to say that I support your decisions, based on previous business practices.
2007-12-12 20:40:15
Originally Posted by choaderboy2
Would you guys want an online mag to go with the forum with comentary and articles? How about an interactive place to hang out and show off your stuff?

We developed some of these things for NPM but never got to implement them due to the lawsuit and the death of NPM.

Would you guys want and accept some of this or would it get everyone mad like how the new owners of sr20forums changed things?

Would you accept advertising to pay for the new stuff and new developments if it were unobtrusive and not interfering like dumb pop ups and stuff?

I think I have a team with the talent to take things to a new level if thats whats good for the comunity and its wanted.

Just to ask a question Mike are you running things in this forum. I am just asking as you are speaking as if you have a little or some control on the going ons in this forum.
2007-12-12 20:51:04
I just have a few questions for Mike K.

I see that you are very happy and gun ho about this new forum and the goings on about it but I was just taking note to many coments made about not wanting anything to do with the SR20 community and how cheap they were and making sujestions that on a whole most of the people on the SR20forum drive you crazy with their cheapness.

So how come the about face and new enthusiastic aproach to the new forum. Just asking
2007-12-12 22:47:45
man this is getting big.. my forum support money is in my hand...wating on paypal addys i can send to lol.............. can we have a chat??? n e ways im excited

and miko.. its probably because its a fresh new start.. you know?? new ideas new site.. why not gamble a lil!
2007-12-12 22:59:01
glad to see we have some real leaders on this board
2007-12-12 23:37:06
Originally Posted by Andreas
I just have a few questions for Mike K.

I see that you are very happy and gun ho about this new forum and the goings on about it but I was just taking note to many coments made about not wanting anything to do with the SR20 community and how cheap they were and making sujestions that on a whole most of the people on the SR20forum drive you crazy with their cheapness.

So how come the about face and new enthusiastic aproach to the new forum. Just asking

I would like to know as well.
2007-12-12 23:40:46
Probably because of the demise of NPM.
2007-12-12 23:46:13
Originally Posted by choaderboy2
I can tell you that I am a for life automotive professional. This is the stuff that I do and have always done for a living since I graduated from collage.

You mean college, right? Just pickin on you...
2007-12-12 23:57:17
Originally Posted by choaderboy2
Would you guys want an online mag to go with the forum with comentary and articles? How about an interactive place to hang out and show off your stuff?

We developed some of these things for NPM but never got to implement them due to the lawsuit and the death of NPM.

Would you guys want and accept some of this or would it get everyone mad like how the new owners of sr20forums changed things?

Would you accept advertising to pay for the new stuff and new developments if it were unobtrusive and not interfering like dumb pop ups and stuff?

I think I have a team with the talent to take things to a new level if thats whats good for the comunity and its wanted.

sounds very familiar. i know ive been a shitty employee so far but i hope i can still be part of your staff. you know where to find me.
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