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Thread: Who is the new admin?

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2007-12-12 18:05:07
Originally Posted by Dustin
that's a good startup plan, because it is a small group right now. I'm sure eventually this place will grow to the point that you'll need a much more capable server, and higher bandwidth allocations. At that point, i've got no problems throwing whatever i can at you to keep it going.

Well, the colo I just picked up should handle it. The box is on a 100mbit pipe, and has a b/w cap of 2000gigs/mo. So far the forum has been generated right around 1gig/day.

Currently the forum is on a 1.5mbit pipe lol. As soon as the colo company gets back to me I will be working on getting that box up and going, and trying to transfer the forum onto that server as seamlessly as possible.
2007-12-12 18:05:13
Originally Posted by Crim
My opinion is this, I'd rather the users not have to pay a single cent to "use" the forum. That means no contributor accounts, no donations nada. The users contribute by posting helpful information, helping each other out etc..

If vendors want to participate, I'd require a small donation from them, as they are using the forum as a channel for revenue. This money I would use to help support the forum and keep things running.

Having a single ad space (be it google ads, or forum vendors) I believe is a fair trade off to make this model work.

That is my current model for sustaining the forum, we'll see how it works out. I may end up asking for user donations at some point in the future, but its not the current plan.

I am against charging users anything.
2007-12-12 18:13:29
Originally Posted by choaderboy2
I am against charging users anything.

Then I guess we're in agreement
2007-12-12 18:14:14
Originally Posted by chris/sr/se
So I guess I have 2 questions:

-What happens when you are unable to make enough money here?

-What is a brief synopsis of what happened over at NPM?

We all want this to work, but not end up Nissan Forums or others...

I cannot talk about it too much but we were working on our new site when one of our partners in our old site figured he was entitled to a large part of our new business. We thought otherwise and he is suing GFOS and me personaly for a very large sum of money. His suit drained NPM of all of its money quickly and put us out of business.

The thing is that my team are seasoned professionals in the performance industry, in publication and business administration. We had a good business model and I strongly belive it will not fail.

If worse comes to worse, it is not that hard to rasie enough revinue to keep a simple forum going.

I am not proposing sweeping changes. Just we keep this forum going and we develop an unbrella site with a lot of neat features around it slowly. The forum would always be here and not be changed unless it became unpopular due to things like changing comunity tastes.

Remember mailing lists? People on those did not like forums but the old style mailing lists have just about died.
2007-12-12 18:23:20
Originally Posted by choaderboy2

I am not proposing sweeping changes. Just we keep this forum going and we develop an unbrella site with a lot of neat features around it slowly. The forum would always be here and not be changed unless it became unpopular due to things like changing comunity tastes.

I don't personally know you so that's why I'm asking these questions... I have read allot of what you have written and admire your technical approach to tuning vs. trial and error. My question to you is at what point would you be getting out of "game", and at that point what would you do with what remains of the site?
2007-12-12 18:32:09
Originally Posted by chris/sr/se
I don't personally know you so that's why I'm asking these questions... I have read allot of what you have written and admire your technical approach to tuning vs. trial and error. My question to you is at what point would you be getting out of "game", and at that point what would you do with what remains of the site?

I can tell you that I am a for life automotive professional. This is the stuff that I do and have always done for a living since I graduated from collage.

I will never be out of the "game" until I am ready for the long dirt nap or they invent transporter beams, whatever comes first. What I want to do is work with the comunity I love and have always been a part of since it was born to help take it to the next level.
2007-12-12 18:32:46
For those of us already here we know we prefer to do without massive ad banners and intrusive revenue generation.

There is quite a bit of revenue to be had via non-members who search for the information here's a few examples...

Example: If the tech articles are more broad so that they are not only applicable to the SR20 but other engines or general suspension you will have a large group of people who will run into these items via search engines or links; those are the people that you want to have viewing ads and links b/c they are curious and exploring.

The members of the site can access the same article but be void of side bars and massive ad campaigns as we are members in the site. This option would be available to those that sign up as well b/c more members equates to more sales and views to vendors, in turn, revenue via ads

In the end site traffic directly correlates to revenue some of the best examples of this are sites like Jalopnik or Digg... which have very few surface ads but generate massive amounts of revenue.

A well written, informative article that becomes an "Ideal read" for car guys can make rounds on the internet like wildfire and bring a readership out of places you would never think to gain readers. Example: How many people have referred others to read or have read for themselves the "Suck, Squish, Bang, Blow" series by Mike K?

Imagine if you just stumbled onto this over the internet, it's likely you would return to the site in hopes of learning more without having to hope for random answers from a forum.

Things like this become well-known to us gear heads and enthusiasts and it spreads throughout the car community not just SR20 guys... Example: Lots of guys know what a disco-potato is...

I'm sure there are tons of articles and/or sites that we have all commonly visited in search of the same information, now imagine that articles like these were available in one concise area with user commentary and opinions...

Can you imagine the onslaught of people there?

Additionally, having credible builds coupled up with a decent writer (or editor and copy writer) for a project blog would be an interesting idea. It wouldn't have to be a Nissan for guys to be interested and I'm sure big name sponsors would love to get behind that for product exposure.

Sorry for the length guys... I went into brainstorming mode, it's fun, its like solving a puzzle without knowing what it looks like until it's complete.
2007-12-12 18:39:23
Originally Posted by choaderboy2

I will never be out of the "game" until I am ready for the long dirt nap or they invent transporter beams, whatever comes first. What I want to do is work with the comunity I love and have always been a part of since it was born to help take it to the next level.

Thanks for answering my questions I am all behind this site… I can’t wait to see what it has in store for its members.
2007-12-12 18:42:15
I'll support and back any plan Mike and Stephen put forth and forward.
2007-12-12 18:56:22
this all sounds very promising i am stoked for this
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