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Thread: Who is the new admin?

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2007-12-12 15:28:11
Originally Posted by choaderboy2
We are all hardcore enthusiasts, we are not corporate profiteers, we love this comunity and have been here from the begining. We want to give more than we take, we hope.

^^ This is the best quote I have seen since all of this mess started.
2007-12-12 16:36:42
Originally Posted by BigB
I would prefer an ad-free site.

I don't like shit cluttering up my pages and if NPM is any kind of example then I won't bother with this site if looks like that.

Too busy, too much shit flashing around.

Keep it simple and clean.

Ok, noted but if you want fast servers with hacker protection and little downtime, real tech articles written by pros, and the other feature I think I can provide then something has to pay for them. Sort of like the radio and TV. Even cable has ads nowdays.

Forums can remain clutter free with the exception of simple banners like most typical forums, the other stuff would be in other sections where you would not have to go to if the ads offended you.
2007-12-12 16:46:31
I dont mind ads that much, cause ive not seen one in years of using firefox and various plugins. What I dont like is clutter or "hot" layouts. I like more simplified layouts on websites. I have heard some of your ideas in the past...and the idea of another "social network" for car guys....meh. sure will have some users but what does the world need less than another social network....but thats my opinion.

id like to see this forum grow and become the main wearhouse for sr20 people and info. id like to see it stay privately owned for as long as possible. id like to see my friends come along, as ive seen some that havent.

having my job be IT and it involve a large web environement...i know what it takes. it will take some cash thats for sure. but i dont know about huge sponsorship and that sorta stuff....it dilutes the community. and when you have to question weither or not someone is being paid by a sponsor and thats why they are giving certain recomendations...i dont like that personally
2007-12-12 17:39:07
SR20 Newbie

Edit please!
2007-12-12 17:42:40
Originally Posted by choaderboy2

I think my team has a lot to offer. I hope crim wants what I have to offer.

I'd have to be an idiot not to.

Hopefully we can talk this evening, I've been feeling decent all day so far.
2007-12-12 17:45:26
Originally Posted by BigB

I am merely expressing my point of view, not asking for your opinion.

funny thing about a forum is, you get opinions, no matter what.

even crim has implemented a small bit of advertising, because it's necessary. The money making machine that mike has planned would be mostly to keep the place running smoothly. We can do it one of two ways, keep it low key grassroots, or go big. either way, the community won't change, the information will always be there. It's up to whoever owns the domain at this point.
2007-12-12 17:55:17
Originally Posted by Dustin
funny thing about a forum is, you get opinions, no matter what.

even crim has implemented a small bit of advertising, because it's necessary. The money making machine that mike has planned would be mostly to keep the place running smoothly. We can do it one of two ways, keep it low key grassroots, or go big. either way, the community won't change, the information will always be there. It's up to whoever owns the domain at this point.

My opinion is this, I'd rather the users not have to pay a single cent to "use" the forum. That means no contributor accounts, no donations nada. The users contribute by posting helpful information, helping each other out etc..

If vendors want to participate, I'd require a small donation from them, as they are using the forum as a channel for revenue. This money I would use to help support the forum and keep things running.

Having a single ad space (be it google ads, or forum vendors) I believe is a fair trade off to make this model work.

That is my current model for sustaining the forum, we'll see how it works out. I may end up asking for user donations at some point in the future, but its not the current plan.
2007-12-12 17:59:34
Originally Posted by choaderboy2

However I will be 100% honest and say this, all of this has to generate revinue. It will require several servers to run at the cost of over $1000 per month. It will require IT help and web development help. Professionals have to get paid for things to run right. Vollenteers bless their hearts are not relaible enough to run things smoothly.

So I guess I have 2 questions:

-What happens when you are unable to make enough money here?

-What is a brief synopsis of what happened over at NPM?

We all want this to work, but not end up Nissan Forums or others...
2007-12-12 18:01:07
Originally Posted by Crim
My opinion is this, I'd rather the users not have to pay a single cent to "use" the forum. That means no contributor accounts, no donations nada. The users contribute by posting helpful information, helping each other out etc..

If vendors want to participate, I'd require a small donation from them, as they are using the forum as a channel for revenue. This money I would use to help support the forum and keep things running.

Having a single ad space (be it google ads, or forum vendors) I believe is a fair trade off to make this model work.

That is my current model for sustaining the forum, we'll see how it works out. I may end up asking for user donations at some point in the future, but its not the current plan.

that's a good startup plan, because it is a small group right now. I'm sure eventually this place will grow to the point that you'll need a much more capable server, and higher bandwidth allocations. At that point, i've got no problems throwing whatever i can at you to keep it going.
2007-12-12 18:04:18
Originally Posted by Bowlcut
I dont mind ads that much, cause ive not seen one in years of using firefox and various plugins. What I dont like is clutter or "hot" layouts. I like more simplified layouts on websites. I have heard some of your ideas in the past...and the idea of another "social network" for car guys....meh. sure will have some users but what does the world need less than another social network....but thats my opinion.

id like to see this forum grow and become the main wearhouse for sr20 people and info. id like to see it stay privately owned for as long as possible. id like to see my friends come along, as ive seen some that havent.

having my job be IT and it involve a large web environement...i know what it takes. it will take some cash thats for sure. but i dont know about huge sponsorship and that sorta stuff....it dilutes the community. and when you have to question weither or not someone is being paid by a sponsor and thats why they are giving certain recomendations...i dont like that personally

What I would work on is not just a social network but an information exchange, its the next step beyond something like myspace. It would sort of be like a communal magazine, TV station from the comunity by the comunity, all with a serchable database so information could easily be referenced. However this is pretty hard to do so it can't happen overnite.

Remember the resistance to forums when all we had was mailing lists?

It would be dumb to mess up a format that everyone likes. The forums would exsist unchanged except for your simple typical banner ads. They would stand alone and you would not have to be a part of the rest of the stuff if you did not want to.

My goal would be to serve the comunity first and build something that everyone can enjoy.
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