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Thread: Who is the new admin?

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2007-12-12 07:55:27
hey mike, i was waiting for you to come over here, did you ever get that last issue of drama resolved? idk if your allowed to talk about it online, you were talking about it at the superautobachs meet in cali if you remember.

Thank you so much for every that is helping us re unite. When i get paid next friday ill be asking for your paypal crim.

2007-12-12 08:09:36
Mike Kojima, I've owned and read your book on Hondas. I'm surprised you are not working for one of the big performance shops in the country.

More to your question about ads: I don't mind ads, as long as they do not go on the sides of the reading page. At the top and bottom of a page I don't mind.
2007-12-12 08:18:17
Originally Posted by choaderboy2
I have been in contact with Crim but he is recovering from serious surgery and I will have to let him rest a bit.

I think what my old team can do will be quite a bit beyond a simple members rides feature.

However I will be 100% honest and say this, all of this has to generate revinue. It will require several servers to run at the cost of over $1000 per month. It will require IT help and web development help. Professionals have to get paid for things to run right. Vollenteers bless their hearts are not relaible enough to run things smoothly.

Eventualy I hope to build this into a full time job.

So it has to bring in money though advertising but I can promise several things.

We are all hardcore enthusiasts, we are not corporate profiteers, we love this comunity and have been here from the begining. We want to give more than we take, we hope.

We cannot change things overnight but we can grow and evolve.

This is true volunteers would not be ideal as what is being proposed takes a good bit of work. My company commonly takes subcontracts from large companies and we have done major components on websites for big names, and design and implementation of something like that really requires leaps and bounds beyond what most forums are willing to do, but what an innovation it would be!!

Application of a Web2.0 style area applied to an automotive forum sounds interesting but I can see some of the challenges to keep the cost to profit ratio in check. I had a past client that had us put together a few concepts for them for a similar idea but they decided against opening a forum even though all the research showed some very positive feedback. We even managed to find a few simple ideas around all the bandwidth issues that make the cost so intimidating.
2007-12-12 08:57:12
Would you guys want an online mag to go with the forum with comentary and articles? How about an interactive place to hang out and show off your stuff?

We developed some of these things for NPM but never got to implement them due to the lawsuit and the death of NPM.

Would you guys want and accept some of this or would it get everyone mad like how the new owners of sr20forums changed things?

Would you accept advertising to pay for the new stuff and new developments if it were unobtrusive and not interfering like dumb pop ups and stuff?

I think I have a team with the talent to take things to a new level if thats whats good for the comunity and its wanted.
All your ideas are great however like you said so yourself all those advanced features would have to be paid for, with ad revenue. I like the fact that this new forum is ad free. It makes at least to me all about the cars, and the people that own them and nothing else. I mean if I want something I can go look for it. I don't need to have it advertised to me. I'm not really trying to see ads for ebay, or some other big companies out there. Sr20 relevant ads would be fine, or ads from companies that are directly tied into amateur racing would also be fine in my opinion.

Sometimes getting too big is not always a good thing. I know the old forum was just fine with me. For it to get more expensive to operate just seems like a lot of advertising would be inevitable. Once the old forum moved away from ads on just the top of the screen it was down hill. I have no problem contributing some cash for an equivalent of the old forum. More features are more expensive and thus inviting more corporate influence to help pay for those features.

To me the best thing about the old forum was the technical information, and then having a place to converse about whatever with some sr20 guys, and thats all that really mattered.

These are just my thoughts regarding your questions. Its in no way a bash. I appreciate all the info you have shared with us over the years Mike. Good to see you on here.
2007-12-12 09:21:15
Yeah, I'm liking this setup already. Good job guys. You'll definitely have my support in this new venture.
2007-12-12 09:28:55
You guys are getting me all excited.
2007-12-12 13:21:10
Look here Mike K. I know a long time ago you asked me to help out with your other forum and be a moderator over there. Well I did not do so because I was very much into the previous forum and was very loyal to them but as time went on and they got realy strong the stuckit to me anyway. I am not sure what Crim is doing but if you get in with him I am 100% behind this site. I mean I am already 100% behind this site.

I am still awaiting a moderators position.
2007-12-12 14:31:09
I would prefer an ad-free site.

I don't like shit cluttering up my pages and if NPM is any kind of example then I won't bother with this site if looks like that.

Too busy, too much shit flashing around.

Keep it simple and clean.
2007-12-12 15:06:47
Originally Posted by BigB
I would prefer an ad-free site.

I don't like shit cluttering up my pages and if NPM is any kind of example then I won't bother with this site if looks like that.

Too busy, too much shit flashing around.

Keep it simple and clean.

then front the money to make the ads go away. like mike said before, it's necessary. You have to make the money to keep people running the show, otherwise, it just goes away.

if anyone needs any help with finding server space, or is confused about hardware specs, let me know, and i'll help you out, as it's what i do all day.
2007-12-12 15:15:05
Originally Posted by Dustin
then front the money to make the ads go away. like mike said before, it's necessary. You have to make the money to keep people running the show, otherwise, it just goes away.

if anyone needs any help with finding server space, or is confused about hardware specs, let me know, and i'll help you out, as it's what i do all day.

First off... I was a forum supporter on the old site so don't tell me what I need to do to keep things a certain way.

Secondly, the money/ads are needed if CRIM decides to implement what MIKE wants to do.

Mike sees an opportunity to launch a project he's had in planning for a while. That being said there was a reason I never visited NPM that much and it was the format, style, and layout of that place. I did not like it.

I am merely expressing my point of view, not asking for your opinion.
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