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Thread: Who is the new admin?

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2007-12-12 06:00:26
Mike I think you already know what we want and what is best for us.
2007-12-12 06:03:46
I agree
Originally Posted by choaderboy2
I have been in contact with Crim but he is recovering from serious surgery and I will have to let him rest a bit.

I think what my old team can do will be quite a bit beyond a simple members rides feature.

However I will be 100% honest and say this, all of this has to generate revinue. It will require several servers to run at the cost of over $1000 per month. It will require IT help and web development help. Professionals have to get paid for things to run right. Vollenteers bless their hearts are not relaible enough to run things smoothly.

Eventualy I hope to build this into a full time job.

So it has to bring in money though advertising but I can promise several things.

We are all hardcore enthusiasts, we are not corporate profiteers, we love this comunity and have been here from the begining. We want to give more than we take, we hope.

We cannot change things overnight but we can grow and evolve.

I agree Mike I spend a few hours on here everyday and I for one will help in any way with-out any compensation what-so-ever. I think it would be good if we could have a few track days a year and just see how that goes.
2007-12-12 06:32:12
I followed Mike to his old site until it folded somewhat and I will gladly support any of his endeavors
2007-12-12 06:43:44
Originally Posted by kdubL
I followed Mike to his old site until it folded somewhat and I will gladly support any of his endeavors

It folded completly due to a frivolus lawsuit over ownership. I want back in the game.

I think my team has a lot to offer. I hope crim wants what I have to offer.
2007-12-12 06:45:59
I likey the proposal.. any chance our mexican site play a small part on it?
2007-12-12 06:54:07
Originally Posted by GSRMx
I likey the proposal.. any chance our mexican site play a small part on it?

Well let me talk seriously to crim and we can build our new evil emipre.
2007-12-12 06:57:45
Originally Posted by choaderboy2
Well let me talk seriously to crim and we can build our new evil emipre.

Alright! just keep me updated, we´ll cooperate with anything needed!
2007-12-12 06:59:25
cool, i like the way this is going, I look forward to becoming a contributor!
2007-12-12 07:07:20
Welcome back Mike. Good to have you.
2007-12-12 07:25:26
Well this site has my support and Mike you can have my project build to help "advertise" in any way since you have helped the sr community so much.
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