ok so i took the tranny out to put the plate that goes between the engine an trans back in, an to put the other dowell pin in, ended up replacing an axle and repairing the other.. Before i did any of this.. the tranny felt totaly normal, felt great even..
i made the mistake of listening to the guy at schucks an got the type of gear oil they're computer reccomended.. some valvoline synthetic blend 75/140 GL5, now i didnt know anything about gl4/5 until a little bit ago while i was searching tryin to diagnose my problem..
so symptoms are:
shifter feels weird while engines running an clutch is in.. just feels sticky an like its resisting me.. it goes into all gears just fine tho.. i only just put that gear oil in today an only drove a few miles.. starting off in 1st.. it feels like its chattering or stuttering or something, then into second its fine.. then when i go to put it in 3rd it feels like second is pushin it out it even made a little "pop" feeling/sound 3rd gear, 4th an 5th are all completely normal up an down shifting tho.. also first an second gear whine a little.. i figured it was power steering fluid on the belt from changin the line but i dont think so now..
the thing is i used some 75/90 valvoline (not sure but prolly gl5) for about 500 miles.. its the non synthetic kind.. i used 4 to fill the trans..
i never had any problems before, now all the sudden i am.. i know i need to change the gear oil to the mt-90 stuff which i will do, but does anyone know/think that will cure my problem??
the trans has both dowell pins in, the clutch spines arent chewed, the input shaft isnt chewed an does not wobble.. the axles are good, splines in the differintial where axles go in are good..
i did a little test where i stopped the car an with out using the gas an just super slowly lettin the clutch out to get rollin an it seemed to chatter a bit.. once the clutch was all the way released i pressed the gas, no stutter or chatter feel.. maybe my flywheel got a little rusty after the trans was off a few days? i never took the clutch or pp off, an i have a stock clutch if that would be a factor... but that wouldnt explain the odd/hard shifting..
i know the linkage is good to i triple checked that..
anyways i know this is long, so thanks to those of you who read an try to help me..
i made the mistake of listening to the guy at schucks an got the type of gear oil they're computer reccomended.. some valvoline synthetic blend 75/140 GL5, now i didnt know anything about gl4/5 until a little bit ago while i was searching tryin to diagnose my problem..
so symptoms are:
shifter feels weird while engines running an clutch is in.. just feels sticky an like its resisting me.. it goes into all gears just fine tho.. i only just put that gear oil in today an only drove a few miles.. starting off in 1st.. it feels like its chattering or stuttering or something, then into second its fine.. then when i go to put it in 3rd it feels like second is pushin it out it even made a little "pop" feeling/sound 3rd gear, 4th an 5th are all completely normal up an down shifting tho.. also first an second gear whine a little.. i figured it was power steering fluid on the belt from changin the line but i dont think so now..
the thing is i used some 75/90 valvoline (not sure but prolly gl5) for about 500 miles.. its the non synthetic kind.. i used 4 to fill the trans..
i never had any problems before, now all the sudden i am.. i know i need to change the gear oil to the mt-90 stuff which i will do, but does anyone know/think that will cure my problem??
the trans has both dowell pins in, the clutch spines arent chewed, the input shaft isnt chewed an does not wobble.. the axles are good, splines in the differintial where axles go in are good..
i did a little test where i stopped the car an with out using the gas an just super slowly lettin the clutch out to get rollin an it seemed to chatter a bit.. once the clutch was all the way released i pressed the gas, no stutter or chatter feel.. maybe my flywheel got a little rusty after the trans was off a few days? i never took the clutch or pp off, an i have a stock clutch if that would be a factor... but that wouldnt explain the odd/hard shifting..
i know the linkage is good to i triple checked that..
anyways i know this is long, so thanks to those of you who read an try to help me..