To take if out form the bottom seemed impossible. I might have been able to but then would have to remove the IC pipe, splash gaurds, compressor and maybe even more stuff. It didn't seem like I could get to the bolts on the bracket but I guess If I took off the other stuff I might have been able too.
The manifold seemed the easiest way. I might not had to remvoe the fans and rad but I was changing a Tstat and coolant anyway so I thought why the hell not to get me a little extra room to work. IF it goes out again I'm just cutting that bolt, buying a new one and shaving it lik Dre said.
The manifold seemed the easiest way. I might not had to remvoe the fans and rad but I was changing a Tstat and coolant anyway so I thought why the hell not to get me a little extra room to work. IF it goes out again I'm just cutting that bolt, buying a new one and shaving it lik Dre said.