Ok, Here's a pic of the resistors I have.
The one on the left is out of a u13 harness that came with my motor
The one on the right is out of my b14 harness.
Question is can I wire the det resistor into my b14 harness?
1)det is external coil vs. internal on de
2)do the coils run on the same voltage?
3)would it just be easier to find a de resistor somewhere?
4)The det resistor has four prongs on it. One side of it is the resistor I'm guessing and the other side is...?? I don't know what the symbol means on it.
I also noticed that the de resistor on the right looks as if it used to say 2.2 something above the resistor symbol, which matches the 2.2 on the det resistor.
A pic of the casing that the det resistor was in.
The one on the left is out of a u13 harness that came with my motor
The one on the right is out of my b14 harness.
Question is can I wire the det resistor into my b14 harness?
1)det is external coil vs. internal on de
2)do the coils run on the same voltage?
3)would it just be easier to find a de resistor somewhere?
4)The det resistor has four prongs on it. One side of it is the resistor I'm guessing and the other side is...?? I don't know what the symbol means on it.
I also noticed that the de resistor on the right looks as if it used to say 2.2 something above the resistor symbol, which matches the 2.2 on the det resistor.
A pic of the casing that the det resistor was in.