Inside our valve covers above the exhaust cam there is a metal plate. What is it's purpose? It seems like it would do nothing at all. I was looking at some old pics and saw it, so I thought I'd see what it's for.
I think that corresponds with the plastic vent stuck in goo on the underside of the valve cover, which is part of the crankcase ventilation. It probably keeps that vent from sucking up oil from the cams.
Swiss, that plastic tube vents into the long baffle system on the top of the valve cover. The baffles act as an oil separator (and a good one at that). I doubt it needs more help keeping oil out, but that's just a guess.
Originally Posted by BenFenner Swiss, that plastic tube vents into the long baffle system on the top of the valve cover. The baffles act as an oil separator (and a good one at that). I doubt it needs more help keeping oil out, but that's just a guess.
I was totally wrong on the location anyway. I just looked at some old pictures, they aren't even close.
I found it in the FSM, but no info. It isn't even labeled in most pictures. I found one that just calls it a baffle. It is right above the open end of the VC labyrinth. I still think it's to keep excess oil out of the crankcase ventilation.
weird cuz ive always seen mine on the exhaust side, lol
but either way i remove them as well when i do cams as well.
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1992 Nissan Sentra SE-R - Fully Built SR20VE, BWS400SX Billet 67mm and much more
JMS Racing tuned to 716whp, 423wtq at 29psi
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Yah, I remember now once thinking it was there to "spread" the oil out into both cam sections when you filled the engine with oil, but Dre's explanation makes way more sense.