This is a weird thing that is happening to my vehicle. Taking a 8 hr trip - around hr 3, car starts to miss - something. The car hesitates for a split second. Sometimes it does it a few times one after another in varying degrees, sometimes once. Sometimes it goes 30 seconds between surges, sometimes 10 minutes. This happened the whole way there and the whole way back.
It only happens at a constant velocity. Accellerating and decel are absolutly fine. Idle at a light is fine - It seems to only do it when above 100 km's/hr (uh...60 miles I think?). Oil pressure, oil temp, water temp, volts all check out (gauges I have).
Initially I thought it was a vaccum hose that was disconnected somehow because the neck on the top regulator on the canister was snapped off. I bought a new canister when I was in winnipeg and reattached everything. It didnt help, symptom remains. I changed the plugs, nothing changed. There was a hose that came from the vaccum gallary that went to a plastic coupler, through a rubber grommet, and into my intake tube from my cai, between the tb and the maf that appeared to have split - bought a new grommett, put the vaccum tube in, and siliconed around the tube to ensure a snug and more permanent fit - symptom remains.
I didnt have a multimeter so I couldn't test the tps or maf, but the maf is regrounded.
It only happens at a constant velocity. Accellerating and decel are absolutly fine. Idle at a light is fine - It seems to only do it when above 100 km's/hr (uh...60 miles I think?). Oil pressure, oil temp, water temp, volts all check out (gauges I have).
Initially I thought it was a vaccum hose that was disconnected somehow because the neck on the top regulator on the canister was snapped off. I bought a new canister when I was in winnipeg and reattached everything. It didnt help, symptom remains. I changed the plugs, nothing changed. There was a hose that came from the vaccum gallary that went to a plastic coupler, through a rubber grommet, and into my intake tube from my cai, between the tb and the maf that appeared to have split - bought a new grommett, put the vaccum tube in, and siliconed around the tube to ensure a snug and more permanent fit - symptom remains.
I didnt have a multimeter so I couldn't test the tps or maf, but the maf is regrounded.