Originally Posted by
I dont know who was on Pams name but I do appologise for the remark that was made. And like I said we are going to look for more help once the weather turns better and stays good, were also going to be working saturdays all summer long so that will give us an extra day of work to get things done. Sorry we got started off on the wrong foot and I truthfully appologise for my actions and anyone elses at JGY's. Hope all of you have a great summer and maybe I'll see some of you around at some events this year.
Well there is only three (3) people at your shop. One of them called LikeTheMovies (under his JGY-forum name) "boy" in response to his inquiries.
When I call someone "child, boy, son, Cupcake, Twinkles, n00b, etc..." it is generally a disparging, sarcastic, belittling comment. Meant to put them in their place.
Who made the post under Pams name? There is only three (3) of you. One of you is guilty. If it is not you, then you have exactly two (2) possibilities on who needs to be smacked upside their stupid f*cking disrespectful head. Why don't you just go to your two (2) other employees (one of whom is Jason) and crack their heads together for me? Real hard, I'm a big guy, often violent, and I would be going for a concussion to both parties. So grab a good handful of hair, and get some serious force behind your two-party head-slam.
Once done, please take pictures of the two nearly-knocked-out, disoriented, disrespectful, immature dipsh*ts on your shop floor. Then post them for us.
Originally Posted by
Dustin@JGYI didnt change the post, What i originally quoted you was the price in my computer. maybe Jason lowered the price to make you happy ? I dunno but the original price I quoted you was the price in the computer so I dont know what to say about that.
Maybe it was the same douchebag who logged in under "Pam" and called a potential customer "boy"? That poltergeist at your shop that does things without you knowing about it.
You're apparently a nice guy, with a sh*tty workplace, abysmal customer satisfaction ratings, and a seriously delusional f*ckstick of a boss.
Originally Posted by
Dustin@JGYAnd even after Im sitting here trying to make peace knoing most of you will never buy from JGY you continue on just trying to make it worse
I applaud you posting on our forum, with manners, civility and maturity.
You guys should try that on your own forum.
Do NOT place the blame for "making it worse" on LikeTheMovies. The only person that "made it worse" was some miserable sh*t-stain at JGY. The person that changed the pricing.
That person, one of three JGY employees, is making it worse by changing prices in a forum post
after the fact.
LikeTheMovies is just reporting the very-much-expected news.
Originally Posted by
Dustin@JGYeveryone has talked to me like a adult and Ive just tried to be honest and sincere. So then why do you need to continue to throw guel on the fire ? I know you despise Jason and thats ok, I cant control who you hate but enough is enough and theres no need to cintinue the path your going down, especially when Im just here talking.
No, nobody on our forum is throwing any additional fuel on the fire.
Take responsibility for the
unadulterated douchebag undermining your current efforts by changing prices after they have already been posted on your forum. Dumping kerosene on the bon-fire.
A scum-bag, a real idiot, an egotistical, self-centered, out of touch with reality asshole who thinks he is actually fooling people with his new friendly mouthpiece. A person with access to your computers.
Originally Posted by
I cant live in the past you know what I mean ?
No sir you cannot.
However, the past can haunt you for a very, very, long time. I hope you are up the challenge. You will need thick skin, a very positive attitude, and you will have to literally move mountains to change the image of JGY. Are you up to the mounumental, overwhelming challenge sir?
Originally Posted by
AndreasHe gave me the UPS account number that he said was his, and the part was shipped to his address. It was shipped to him and 5 days later when I called him after being contacted by a UPS representaive the number was no good so claimed by the representative. I called him and he gave me some **** ass escuse. He had the turbo I sent to him and his company. Jason never sent me my money,
He knew exactly what he was doing.
I did nothing wrong to this man but he stole from me and did not even consider giving me back my money. Why would I like him if he stole from me.
When I get my money I will shut my trap untill then all will always know the type of person you are dealing with when you deal with him.
In business you can have problems lets say 5% bad 95% good.
Now when you are down to 50% bad, 50% good, there is something wrong there.
Think about it for a second.
You want me to forget about the past and let my $150 go just like that, hell the **** no.
Send me my money and all is well, keep holding onto my money and thats says theif.
Yes, on the first bolded statement.
Respectfully, a very firm "NO," on the second bolded statement. The theft happened years ago. Anyone who steals anything of any value, for any length of time, is a gawd-damned theif. That is a person who was poorly socialized, has no scruples, ethics or morals to speak of. A man whose word is no good. As in the Old West it still holds true today, if your word is no good, you got
nothing I want or need. Ever.
Dustin, you wanted honest feedback, you got it. I'm not one for mincing words or dancing around a subject.
I do not envy your employment position. However I respect the fact that you posted, addressed our concerns, have kept your temper and ill-fated attempts at "humor" in check, and are still taking the heat with maturity and diplomacy.
With my temperament, you still will not be getting any of my business. I'd go f*cking ballistic the first time your stupid f*cking boss pulled ANY of his attitude with me. His lame, stupid, ignorant attempts at humor would piss me the f*ck off in a heartbeat. And I am just unbalanced enough to force an issue like that in person. Even if it entailed a road-trip with serious mayhem and violence on my mind. Trust me, you'd need the gawd-damned National Guard if I came calling. I'll just avoid that entire enraging scenario, thanks.
Best of luck sir, you shall need it.