Originally Posted by
Hate to say it, but it's going to take you a looooong time to rebuild the JGY image. If you'll kindly take a gander at the other forum, you'll see that if you're LUCKY, the JGY approval rating may clear the 50% threshold, BARELY. That's not good, because as you well know, the SR community is pretty tight, moreso than larger communities on the interwebz. Word travels quickly (obviously, otherwise you wouldn't be registered and posting here), amongst the SR crowd.
As an aside, I did in fact try to register on the forum to point out a particular Lovefab sidewinder manifold to one of your potential customers, and was of course refused access due to what I assume was my screenname. What's the point? I could put "JimbobAP1S2K" as a username, and you'd probaby accept it because it had a "real" name in it?
Everyone that knows me well enough knows my name, who cares if it's displayed on a forum screenname or not? Sorry that's O/T for the discussion at hand...
Back on topic, good luck. And seriously, $250 for cold side piping?! That's a little steep by ANYONE'S standards. Hell I can buy two eBay kits in aluminum, and have a friend tig it up for a perfect fit, and have piping left over for another build. In SS, I could have the whole piping kit done for less than $250...
Damn its hard to respond to all of you, you write so many responses so quickly lol.
Were not the cheapest on some things (mainly the products made in house) but on other products our prices are pretty damn good.
The forum deal where I asked you to change your name is simply because it makes it easier to know whos who and all that, theres no secret plot where we want to know your name, its simply a preference.
Ok yes word travels fast and its always the negative words that travel fastest. Our pricing on that pipe is high for 2 reasons
1. It does take awhile for us to make
2. while making that pipe we are sidetracked by phone calls deliveies orders and so on. Again not trying to make excuses but in a normal day for us these things are tough to knock out.
I am extremely organized, and its taken me months to fix the past managers failures. Now that the office is finnaly running 100% better it means Jason can spend more time in the shop makinf orders go out much much faster then in the past. I know I cant cure the image some of you have of us, but I can try to make future customers not have the same picture in their head as some of you do. Im not perfect but I have pride in what I do and I dont want to sit at my desk all day and think to ,myself wow alot of people hate me . I dont think anyone wants that on their mind all day.