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Thread: Bought a JDM RR!

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2008-01-07 05:53:20
Bought a JDM RR!
Hey guys i managed to snag a JDM RR this past week for $460! I'll get pics up as soon as i can! I've been reading up on the forums, and i have a few questions!

1. I see some of the guys using the usdm intake manifold, what advantage is this over the JDM?

2. The RR has side feed injectors on a separate harness, can these be swapped out for top feed?

3. Speaking of harnesses, will any lowport p10 harness and ecu give me the 7500rpm redline and no speed limiter?

Any help would be appreciated!

By the way this is going into a 96 200sx SE with a 1.6
2008-01-07 11:10:43
1. The only advantage for me was for emissions

2. It's the same injector setup as a regular lowport...

3. It will be relatively the same as most highport to lowport swaps... but your redline will be 7.1 if its a jdm motor, and 6.8ish if its from UK. The only thing that you might need to look into is if it was an auto or manual. Not sure if the iacv's are the same, but never heard of anyone having problems.
2008-01-07 15:47:08
Thats a great price!

I'm thinking about a JDM RR myself. Let me know how that one turns out for you
2008-01-07 16:41:54
does anyone know if there is any reason that a UK RR motor cannot rev to the same as a JDM?

i think the RR motor is really good, but the problem is the lack of Cams!

only JWT doing S3R's really.. the others are all iffy/priced too high.

I wished BC would do some cams, but it looks like he just doesnt want to step on JWT's toes on this one...which is a shame!
2008-01-07 16:58:00
Originally Posted by NickG
does anyone know if there is any reason that a UK RR motor cannot rev to the same as a JDM?

i think the RR motor is really good, but the problem is the lack of Cams!

only JWT doing S3R's really.. the others are all iffy/priced too high.

I wished BC would do some cams, but it looks like he just doesnt want to step on JWT's toes on this one...which is a shame!

They dont care whos toes they step on.

There is not a great demand for this cam, so they dont see making them as a moneymaker.

Great replacement motor for the US lowport
2008-01-07 17:02:24
Originally Posted by XxToKeSxX
1. The only advantage for me was for emissions

2. It's the same injector setup as a regular lowport...

3. It will be relatively the same as most highport to lowport swaps... but your redline will be 7.1 if its a jdm motor, and 6.8ish if its from UK. The only thing that you might need to look into is if it was an auto or manual. Not sure if the iacv's are the same, but never heard of anyone having problems.

Most JDM and UK RR motors that I have seen and sold have had top feed injs. There are alot of them that are side feed also.

I have put many of these in B14s and 99 P11s and rev them to 7500 RPMs with no problem. Also have ahd the JWT cam in them and they worked great to 7500 RPMS.

The 2000-02 RR motor is the highest HP output SR20 motor to come to the USA.
2008-01-07 17:36:15
Originally Posted by Andreas
Most JDM and UK RR motors that I have seen and sold have had top feed injs. There are alot of them that are side feed also.

I have put many of these in B14s and 99 P11s and rev them to 7500 RPMs with no problem. Also have ahd the JWT cam in them and they worked great to 7500 RPMS.

The 2000-02 RR motor is the highest HP output SR20 motor to come to the USA.

good to know! I never saw oversea roller sr's with top feeds... thats pretty cool. Do they just come with the same size inj's as the b15 top feeds?

Man, I always thought I needed to have springs/retainers to go any higher... The dyno keeps climbing a little right at 7.1k so that is good...

RR represent
2008-01-07 18:33:47
sam, i think for that engine to go in your b14 you would need a lowport harness and ecu. unless you wanted to go the route i did and rewire some things for a highport harness to work in a b14.
2008-01-07 18:51:03
I would like to see pics of these motors to show a comparison of the side feed vs top feed look..........It would be good to have on the board.
2008-01-07 19:18:22
Originally Posted by Katana200sx
sam, i think for that engine to go in your b14 you would need a lowport harness and ecu. unless you wanted to go the route i did and rewire some things for a highport harness to work in a b14.

I have installed many a Highport in a B14 and did not need to rewire or extend any wires in the B14 harness.

All the wire have no problem getting to where they need to go.

Now when you put a low port in a B13 there are a few wires that need to be extended
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