When the 9 & 10 wires are grounded, the relays click. So the ground wires going to the relays aren't bad. I could care less about the ECU at this point I just want working fans for traffic
I checked the underhood fuses and in cabin fuses. Both are good. Swapped them with other known good ones just to be sure. Same thing. Swapped the relays with known good relays. Also good to go there. Hooked the fans DIRECTLY to the battery, fans spun.
Im at a loss. What I am going to do is hook the fans to the battery with a switch in the loop to control the on / off at least until I can get back from my trip. Then I will dive in and find out what is really wrong.
Thanks for the tech support via the phone Taiden
I'll probably give you a ring tomorrow to make sure I'm hooking this up right